How to gophermap

Smol Internet
Customizing Gopher Menus | mari's Gopher Repository
In most cases, you can just serve files directly on your Gopher menus with no additional setup. If you do need to customize your menus, here's how to do it.
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An alternative web client for Mastodon, focused on speed and simplicity.
sternenseemann/spacecookie: gopher library & server written in Haskell
gopher library & server written in Haskell. Contribute to sternenseemann/spacecookie development by creating an account on GitHub.
Small Gopher HOW-TO -
The Gopher Protocol in Brief
A brief explanation of how the Gopher protocol works.
Floodgap Gopher-HTTP gateway gopher://
~lioploum/offpunk - An offline first command-line browser for the smolnet - sourcehut git
offpunk: An offline first command-line browser for the smolnet
Gophie — Open Source Gopher Browser
Gophie is the Open Source Gopher browser for Windows, macOS, Linux and many more operating systems with Java support.
GopherNews -
Floodgap Gopher-HTTP gateway gopher://
Gopher, The Competing Standard To WWW In The ’90s Is Still Worth Checking Out
The 30th anniversary of the World Wide Web passed earlier this year. Naturally, this milestone was met with truckloads of nerdy fanfare and pining for those simpler times. In three decades, the Web…
Welcome to Floodgap Systems' WWW server
The rise and fall of the Gopher protocol | MinnPost
Twenty-five years ago, a small band of programmers from the University of Minnesota ruled the internet. And then they didn’t.
Yeah, bitlbee rocks, I use it under an i386 OpenBSD netbook (Atom CPU), it's muc... | Hacker News
The Gopher Manifesto
Gopher: Underground Technology
More than a decade ago, gopher took the Net by storm. The Web stole its thunder soon after, but enthusiasts are still keeping it alive -- and bringing it into the future. By Lore Sjöberg.
Bitreich manifesto
How to Gopher
I write about productivity, human-computer interaction, and programming.
Surfing the Gopherspace
gopherspace gopher gopherhole pygopherd protocol www http internet
Small Web -
I’m quite interested in concepts of the “Small Web” and adjacent topics, but it is definitely true that “small web” itself is a vague term that different people use to talk about different kinds of projects. What unites all these different concepts …
Beyond the Web » Linux Magazine
The danger and irritations of the modern web have unleashed a movement dedicated to creating a safer and simpler alternative. The old Gopher networ... /
Down the Gopher Hole - TidBITS
[Editor's Note: Some of the URLs in this article use the gopher:// scheme rather than the familiar http:// scheme. These gopher URLs can be viewed directly in Camino or Firefox, but if you are using Safari, which does not support the Gopher protocol, view these pages using the HTTPgopher proxy
John L. Godlee