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Gopher: Underground Technology
Gopher: Underground Technology
More than a decade ago, gopher took the Net by storm. The Web stole its thunder soon after, but enthusiasts are still keeping it alive -- and bringing it into the future. By Lore Sjöberg.
Gopher: Underground Technology
How to Gopher
How to Gopher
I write about productivity, human-computer interaction, and programming.
How to Gopher
Small Web -
Small Web -
I’m quite interested in concepts of the “Small Web” and adjacent topics, but it is definitely true that “small web” itself is a vague term that different people use to talk about different kinds of projects. What unites all these different concepts …
Small Web -
Down the Gopher Hole - TidBITS
Down the Gopher Hole - TidBITS
[Editor's Note: Some of the URLs in this article use the gopher:// scheme rather than the familiar http:// scheme. These gopher URLs can be viewed directly in Camino or Firefox, but if you are using Safari, which does not support the Gopher protocol, view these pages using the HTTPgopher proxy
Down the Gopher Hole - TidBITS