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AeroPress Coffee Maker
AeroPress Coffee Maker
I’ve been using the pour-over method for a while. I thought I would give this AeroPress a try. So far, I’m happy with it. Great flavor and easy to clean. I didn’t realize the original only makes a 10oz serving, about half my usual. But I am trying to cut back, so I’ll see how it goes.
AeroPress Coffee Maker
EchoFeed, a new service from Robb Knight, let's you use RSS to send content between various services. Send your blog posts to Mastodon. Send bookmarks RSS feed items to you blog. The possibilities are exciting.
BOOX Palma
BOOX Palma
I really want to try this device. I’m happy with my Kindle Scribe for reading, but having a phone sized device that I as an ereader and access to Android apps would be cool.
BOOX Palma