Data, Tech & Black Communities

Data, Tech & Black Communities

"#Employment and Enterprise" #poverty
Inside the ‘Covid Triangle’: a catastrophe years in the making | Free to read
Inside the ‘Covid Triangle’: a catastrophe years in the making | Free to read
High levels of deprivation and job insecurity, vast income inequality, housing discrimination and medical disparities have long had a severe impact on the tangle of communities and ethnic minority populations that live in these boroughs. But when combined with the necessity to go to work, to take public transport and to share space in densely packed housing, they also provided the perfect breeding ground for a deadly virus. The domino effect would prove catastrophic.
Inside the ‘Covid Triangle’: a catastrophe years in the making | Free to read
The coming war on the hidden algorithms that trap people in poverty
The coming war on the hidden algorithms that trap people in poverty
A growing group of lawyers are uncovering, navigating, and fighting the automated systems that deny the poor housing, jobs, and basic services. Increasingly, the fight over a client’s eligibility now involves some kind of algorithm. “In some cases, it probably should just be shut down because there’s no way to make it equitable,”
The coming war on the hidden algorithms that trap people in poverty