Data, Tech & Black Communities

Data, Tech & Black Communities

Decolonising EdTech: A resource list for tackling coloniality and digital neocolonialism in EdTech - EdTech Hub
Decolonising EdTech: A resource list for tackling coloniality and digital neocolonialism in EdTech - EdTech Hub
At EdTech Hub, we’ve been reflecting on how coloniality is embedded in the work we do: from the colonial roots of the international development sector, to colonial practices embedded in research methods, to “core-to-periphery” design and deployment of EdTech interventions. We’ve just begun this journey, but in trying to embody one of our EdTech Hub values of ‘fearless and humble…
Decolonising EdTech: A resource list for tackling coloniality and digital neocolonialism in EdTech - EdTech Hub
The dividing line: how we represent race in data – The ODI
The dividing line: how we represent race in data – The ODI
The point of this essay is to encourage a critical approach to the relationship between race and data. It points to three questions that anyone working with data should ask if they are going to be collecting and using data about race. § If we are not careful, data can divide and sort us in exactly the sort of essentialising ways that the colonial idea of race supported. But if researchers ask the right questions, and know their history, we can use data to advocate for racial justice.
The dividing line: how we represent race in data – The ODI