Data, Tech & Black Communities

Data, Tech & Black Communities

#USA #ai "#Artificial Intelligence"
The coming war on the hidden algorithms that trap people in poverty
The coming war on the hidden algorithms that trap people in poverty
A growing group of lawyers are uncovering, navigating, and fighting the automated systems that deny the poor housing, jobs, and basic services. Increasingly, the fight over a client’s eligibility now involves some kind of algorithm. “In some cases, it probably should just be shut down because there’s no way to make it equitable,”
The coming war on the hidden algorithms that trap people in poverty
How Data Can Map and Make Racial Inequality More Visible (If Done Responsibly) | by The GovLab | Data Stewards Network | Medium
How Data Can Map and Make Racial Inequality More Visible (If Done Responsibly) | by The GovLab | Data Stewards Network | Medium
Racism is a systemic issue that pervades every aspect of life in the United States and around the world. In recent months, its corrosive…
How Data Can Map and Make Racial Inequality More Visible (If Done Responsibly) | by The GovLab | Data Stewards Network | Medium