Data, Tech & Black Communities

Data, Tech & Black Communities

"#Auditing Algorithms"
End-User Audits: A System Empowering Communities to Lead Large-Scale Investigations of Harmful Algorithmic Behavior
End-User Audits: A System Empowering Communities to Lead Large-Scale Investigations of Harmful Algorithmic Behavior
Today, technical experts hold the tools to conduct system-scale algorithm audits, so they largely decide what algorithmic harms are surfaced. Our #cscw2022 paper asks: how could *everyday users* explore where a system disagrees with their perspectives?
End-User Audits: A System Empowering Communities to Lead Large-Scale Investigations of Harmful Algorithmic Behavior
A Drug Addiction Risk Algorithm and Its Grim Toll on Chronic Pain Sufferers
A Drug Addiction Risk Algorithm and Its Grim Toll on Chronic Pain Sufferers
A sweeping AI has become central to how the US handles the opioid crisis. It may only be making the crisis worse. With the creeping privatisation of our National Health Services, could the U.K. see similar opaque algorithms creating barriers here?
A Drug Addiction Risk Algorithm and Its Grim Toll on Chronic Pain Sufferers