Data, Tech & Our Justice System – A Primer | Data, Tech & Black Communities

Data, Tech & Black Communities
How Data Can Map and Make Racial Inequality More Visible (If Done Responsibly) | by The GovLab | Data Stewards Network | Medium
Racism is a systemic issue that pervades every aspect of life in the United States and around the world. In recent months, its corrosive…
The justice system is failing victims and survivors of sexual violence | The Psychologist
Data driven profiling: The hardwiring of discriminatory policing practices across Europe
Discusses harms of racial policing practices, potential effects of data driven technologies & opportunities for activism
Co-op is using facial recognition tech to scan and track shoppers | WIRED UK
Branches of Co-op in the south of England have been using real-time facial recognition cameras to scan shoppers entering stores.
See US based studies on FRT which shows the technology can be unreliable for black people, especially black women.