Data, Tech & Black Communities

Data, Tech & Black Communities

#2023 "#Surveillance Tech"
Silkie Carlo on Twitter
Silkie Carlo on Twitter
🚨NEWS: after the Met spent massive resources in central London on Saturday using live facial recognition cameras all day, scanning *36,420* people’s faces, guess what the outcome was?0 correct matches1 wrong match, requiring a member of the public to prove their innocence 🥴— Silkie Carlo (@silkiecarlo) July 18, 2022
Silkie Carlo on Twitter
Police want travel card data to track sus­pi­cious rail pas­sen­gers | The Times
Police want travel card data to track sus­pi­cious rail pas­sen­gers | The Times
Police should be able to mon­itor pas­sen­gers who spend hours on the rail­way net­work in case they are pick­pock­ets or sex offend­ers — or are in need of help — a chief con­stable has said. Lucy D’Orsi, the head of the Brit­ish Trans­port Police,...
Police want travel card data to track sus­pi­cious rail pas­sen­gers | The Times
Evan Greer on Twitter
Evan Greer on Twitter
Huge yikes in this story about school surveillance: schools sent teens home with chrome books pre-loaded with Gaggle spyware. Teens plugged their phones into their laptops to charge them. Gaggle sent administrators alerts when teens texted each other nudes— Evan Greer (@evan_greer) August 3, 2022
Evan Greer on Twitter
Monish Bhatia on Twitter
Monish Bhatia on Twitter
(1/7) Home Office is now introducing facial recognition smart watches to monitor foreign nationals who have completed their sentences and released back into the community. Lucy Audibert (@privacyint) and I clearly explain as to why this is problematic and must be challenged.— Monish Bhatia (@DrMonishBhatia) August 5, 2022
Monish Bhatia on Twitter