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EIP Race Equality Project
EIP Race Equality Project
People from ethnic minority backgrounds are less likely to access community mental health services but are over represented in acute and more restrictive settings. Their experience of services mirrors that of staff from ethnic minority groups: it is often more negative than their white counterparts and many of them report that they have never been asked about what impact structural racism has had on their mental health and generally on their lives.
EIP Race Equality Project
Artificial Intelligence in Hiring: Assessing Impacts on Equality
Artificial Intelligence in Hiring: Assessing Impacts on Equality
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) presents risks to equality, potentially embedding bias and discrimination. Auditing tools are often promised as a solution. However our new research, which examines tools for auditing AI used in recruitment, finds these tools are often inadequate in ensuring compliance with UK Equality Law, good governance and best practice. We argue in this report that a more comprehensive approach than technical auditing is needed to safeguard equality in the use of AI for hiring, which shapes access to work. Here, we present first steps which could be taken to achieve this. We also publish a prototype AI Equality Impact Assessment which we plan to develop and pilot.
Artificial Intelligence in Hiring: Assessing Impacts on Equality
How Data Can Map and Make Racial Inequality More Visible (If Done Responsibly) | by The GovLab | Data Stewards Network | Medium
How Data Can Map and Make Racial Inequality More Visible (If Done Responsibly) | by The GovLab | Data Stewards Network | Medium
Racism is a systemic issue that pervades every aspect of life in the United States and around the world. In recent months, its corrosive…
How Data Can Map and Make Racial Inequality More Visible (If Done Responsibly) | by The GovLab | Data Stewards Network | Medium
Black Doctors Work Overtime to Combat Clubhouse Covid Myths
Black Doctors Work Overtime to Combat Clubhouse Covid Myths
Article about the (unpaid) role that Black doctors are playing on Clubhouse in order to combat misinformation about the Covid vaccine. The fact that this platform isn't bothering to even try to address the negative externality of misinformation is a perfect example of a negative impact of data and tech. Black people are already at higher risk of being infected by Covid and of dying from it so the impact of misinformation is disproportionate.
Black Doctors Work Overtime to Combat Clubhouse Covid Myths
Black Lives Matter: How You Can Help in Scotland
Black Lives Matter: How You Can Help in Scotland
As the Black Lives Matter protests rage on in the US, many people in Scotland are wondering what they can do to show solidarity with the movement. Between 2000 and 2013, there were more race-related murders per capita in Scotland than in the rest of the UK – 1.8 murders per million, compared to 1.3, according to the Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights (CRER).
Black Lives Matter: How You Can Help in Scotland
Algorithmic Colonisation of Africa - Abeba Birhane
Algorithmic Colonisation of Africa - Abeba Birhane
Colonialism in the age of Artificial Intelligence takes the form of “state-of-the-art algorithms” and “AI driven solutions” unsuited to African problems, and hinders the development of local products, leaving the continent dependent on Western software and infrastructure.
Algorithmic Colonisation of Africa - Abeba Birhane
History is key to understanding vaccine hesitancy in people of colour - £paywall
History is key to understanding vaccine hesitancy in people of colour - £paywall
Distrust has its roots in ‘scientific’ experiments that aimed to prove racial superiority. As the rollout of the coronavirus vaccine continues across the UK, with more than 14m already having had the jab, in communities of colour there remains deep concern over its safety. Polls show that people of colour are around 20 per cent less likely to have a vaccination than the population as a whole.
History is key to understanding vaccine hesitancy in people of colour - £paywall
Envisioning better health outcomes for all
Envisioning better health outcomes for all
The current covid-19 pandemic has shined the spotlight on longstanding health inequities for people of color. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, compared to the general United States population, African Americans are 1.4 times more likely to contract the coronavirus, and 2.8 times more likely to die from covid-19.
Envisioning better health outcomes for all