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The Tech That Will Invade Our Lives in 2021 - The New York Times
The Tech That Will Invade Our Lives in 2021 - The New York Times
This year, the technologies that we will most likely hear the most about won’t be fancy devices like smartphones or big-screen television sets. It will be the stuff we don’t usually see: workhorse software and internet products that are finding their moment now. § Connected tech excludes those marginalised by the digital divide or too poor to afford the kit/data.
The Tech That Will Invade Our Lives in 2021 - The New York Times
Co-op is using facial recognition tech to scan and track shoppers | WIRED UK
Co-op is using facial recognition tech to scan and track shoppers | WIRED UK
Branches of Co-op in the south of England have been using real-time facial recognition cameras to scan shoppers entering stores. § See US based studies on FRT which shows the technology can be unreliable for black people, especially black women.
Co-op is using facial recognition tech to scan and track shoppers | WIRED UK