Listening to Black Women: The Innovation Tech Can't Crack | WIRED

Data, Tech & Black Communities
Artificial Intelligence in Hiring. Assessing Impacts in Equality
Equality Task Force: Machine Learning Case Studies - IFOW
5fad57ea4869b00f399bd2c3_IFOW-ETF-Mind the gap (v9-12.11.20).pdf
Mind the Gap: The Final Report of the Equality Task Force - IFOW
Black programmers and technologists who inspire us
This year, in honor of Black History Month, the Codecademy Team is celebrating Black leaders that are working to build a more inclusive, more welcoming, and more diverse tech industry. It's important to celebrate Black people in all our roles and diversity. For UK Black History Month (BHM), we're keen to see similar profiling of technologists who want to raise their visibility, so we can celebrate their work.
Between Antidiscrimination and Data: Understanding Human Rights Discourse on Automated Discrimination in Europe
Automated decision making threatens to
disproportionately impact society’s most vulnerable
communities living at the intersection of economic and
social marginalization. The report discusses
Odi Fridays can we please stop talking about AI
'Machine learning is revolutionising healthcare provision and delivery, from mobilising previously inaccessible data sources to generating increasingly powerful algorithmic constructs for prognostic modelling. However, it is becoming increasingly obvious that if we do not learn from the mistakes of our past, that we are doomed to repeat them; if it isn’t already too late'
Deborah Raji on the Challenges of Audits, Accountability & Algorithmic Justice
The difficulty to translate reported AI harms into consequences for those responsible
The state of data 2020
Mapping a child's digital footprint across England's state education landscape. Policy recommendations for building a rights' respecting digital environment
Realising the potential of technology in education
A strategy for education providers and the technology industry to help improve and increase the effective use of technology in education.
EdTech demonstrator schools and colleges: about the programme
'Demonstrator schools and colleges are a network of providers who have shown they can use technology effectively and have the capacity to help other schools and colleges to do the same.'
Education tech group launches in London to promote sector growth
A body aimed at promoting the education technology sector, Edtech UK, launches in London. [Launch date 2015]
Out with the old school? The rise of ed tech in the classroom
Startups are creating toys that teach robotics, games that help kids code and apps for teachers in an industry forecast to be worth £129bn by 2020 [ published 2017]
Supporting disadvantaged students to overcome barriers to effective remote learning
The EdTech R&D Programme has grant funded £420k to EdTech companies and will test improvements in partnership with 58 schools this academic year.
The role of and potential of EdTech and teachers during lock down
Nesta surveyed over 7000 teachers via Teacher Tapp to better understand the challenges that they have been facing over the COVID-19 crisis.
Darshna Soni on Twitter
The ethnicity of people stopped in their cars by @metpoliceuk will be recorded from today, in a new six month pilot by the force - aim is to better understand proportionality. It follows a number of controversial stops by officers including of MP @DawnButlerBrent.— Darshna Soni (@darshnasoni) January 18, 2021
Data racism: a new frontier - European Network Against Racism
Perhaps without even noticing, you have read about data racism several times in the news in the past months. What is it? This blog seeks to explain - in the context of an emerging strand of work at the European Network Against Racism exploring racism in the digital space.
You’re Doing It Wrong: Notes on Criticism and Technology Hype
Maybe more people are writing about the real and potential problems of technology today than ever before. That is mostly a good thing. The…
Ad tech could be the next internet bubble
For the EU to effectively address racial injustice, we need data
EU countries continue to avoid collecting data on ethnic minorities and ignore persistent problems they face.
Data collection is not the solution for Europe’s racism problem
Structural racism can be combatted only if there is political will, not more data.
UK ministers face pressure over gender pay gap reporting delay
Government considers shelving service again as figures suggest evidence of growing inequality. “The excuse is likely to be that businesses are badly hit right now but actually, it is employees, especially women and minorities, who have been badly hit.”
The computers rejecting your job application
A growing number of firms are using artificial intelligence to pass or fail jobseekers.
New inquiry to drive action on racial injustice in maternity care
Birthrights is convening an inquiry into racial injustice in maternity care, led by an expert panel with barrister Shaheen Rahman QC as Chair.
More deaths, worse care? Inquiry opens into NHS maternity 'systemic racism'
Childbirth rights group supports examination into disproportionate health outcomes
The justice system is failing victims and survivors of sexual violence | The Psychologist
England: Rape victims from ethnic minority backgrounds ‘let down’ by prosecutors
Rape victims from an ethnic minority background are significantly less likely to see their case lead to prosecutions or convictions, according to a new research paper. In a newly-published report, psychologists at Middlesex University call on the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to improve its guidance on supporting BAME rape survivors to stop them being "disadvantaged further". CPS figures show ...