Data, Tech & Black Communities

Data, Tech & Black Communities

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State of Biometrics 2022 - a review of policy and practice in UK education
State of Biometrics 2022 - a review of policy and practice in UK education
The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 and weak enforcement of data protection law are failing to protect millions of children from the normalisation of routine use of biometric data for everyday canteen and library transactions, and increasingly intrusive bodily surveillance in the classroom. Pupils in the UK are effectively guinea pigs in the use of emerging technology for companies from around the world, including facial recognition technology that has already been banned from schools in other countries.
State of Biometrics 2022 - a review of policy and practice in UK education
Bame student attainment
Bame student attainment
The excellence and reputation of the UK higher education sector are recognised around the world. However, an attainment gap between students of different ethnicities exists at the vast majority of universities, and evidence suggests that these cannot be explained by a students’ background or prior qualifications.
Bame student attainment
Review highlights stark ethnic healthcare inequalities in the UK
Review highlights stark ethnic healthcare inequalities in the UK
A major new review into ethnic inequalities in healthcare has revealed vast inequalities across a range of health services in the UK.The review, funded by the NHS Race and Health Observatory and led by experts from The University of Manchester in conjunction with the University of Sheffield and the University of Sussex, explored differences in m...
Review highlights stark ethnic healthcare inequalities in the UK
The Amazonian Era: The gigification of work
The Amazonian Era: The gigification of work
We are living through a new transformation of work. We are living in an Amazonian Era. The ethos, practices and business models that emerged within the gig economy have been packaged up and made available for download to the furthest corners of our essential services, reshaping the lives of millions of workers across Britain.
The Amazonian Era: The gigification of work
DPIA for Facial Recognition / Biometrics for children's data in Cashless Catering - cais Rhyddid Gwybodaeth i North Ayrshire Council
DPIA for Facial Recognition / Biometrics for children's data in Cashless Catering - cais Rhyddid Gwybodaeth i North Ayrshire Council
Dear North Ayrshire Council, Please provide me with a copy of your DPIA in relation to the processing of biometric data (facial recognition) for the purpose of uniquely identifying children with regards to your recent email informing parents of new processing in relation to cashless catering. Yours faithfully, Katie Brewar
DPIA for Facial Recognition / Biometrics for children's data in Cashless Catering - cais Rhyddid Gwybodaeth i North Ayrshire Council