"#Immune Factor"
Chlorinated Flavonoids Modulate the Inflammatory Process in Human Blood - PubMed
Chlorinated Flavonoids Modulate the Inflammatory Process in Human Blood - PubMed
Flavonoids are known to react with neutrophil-generated hypochlorous acid (HOCl) at inflammation loci to form stable mono- and dichlorinated products. Some of these products have been shown to retain or even enhance their inflammatory potential, but further information is required in a broader appro …
Chlorinated Flavonoids Modulate the Inflammatory Process in Human Blood - PubMed
Hypochlorous Acid: From Innate Immune Factor and Environmental Toxicant to Chemopreventive Agent Targeting Solar UV-Induced Skin Cancer
Hypochlorous Acid: From Innate Immune Factor and Environmental Toxicant to Chemopreventive Agent Targeting Solar UV-Induced Skin Cancer
A multitude of extrinsic environmental factors (referred to in their entirety as the ‘skin exposome’) impact structure and function of skin and its corresponding cellular components. The complex (i.e. additive, antagonistic, or synergistic) ...
Hypochlorous Acid: From Innate Immune Factor and Environmental Toxicant to Chemopreventive Agent Targeting Solar UV-Induced Skin Cancer