

"#Why you need a personal website"
Build the Archive
Build the Archive
Hi hi hi. Robin here. It’s Saturday. I’m up early, dressed, eated, walked. Now: under an awning outside my favorite cafe in the city, with the rain making a...
I think my website should archive everything; every website I’ve ever made, every weirdo CSS demo, every little thing.
I want to earnestly look back on what I’ve made — the stuff that I think is cool and punk rock as well as the stuff that was half-baked, inexperienced, or headed in the wrong direction from the start.
Build the Archive
Sophie Koonin – This Website Is under Construction, a Love Letter to the Personal Website – btconf
Sophie Koonin – This Website Is under Construction, a Love Letter to the Personal Website – btconf
(Split screen, with slides on the left, starting at 3:37) Remember Geocities? The unbridled creativity and questionable colour schemes of a bygone era. There was a time when websites existed as reflections of your personality or a shrine to your favourite band rather than carbon copies of a Facebook page or Twitter feed. Content wasn’t algorithmically curated, but shared through links pages and webrings. With modern browsers, we have at our fingertips so many powerful APIs and tools to build the most incredible, beautiful and wonderfully pointless websites that have ever existed, in ways that are accessible and performant like never before. So why aren’t we? Why do all the websites today look the same? This is a manifesto for building something just for the fun of it, and a rallying cry to tell your story on a platform that’s entirely yours. ----- About Sophie Koonin Sophie is the web engineering lead at Monzo Bank in London, responsible for the web platform across the organisation and working on internal tooling that powers Monzo’s award-winning customer service. Building websites since the age of 10, she’s passionate about creating inclusive, accessible and fun websites that people love. Sophie writes about tech & mental health at, builds intentionally useless web apps, and makes music. ----- This talk was held at the "beyond tellerrand" conference 2023 in Düsseldorf: More information about beyond tellerrand (#btconf in short) here: beyond tellerrand is the affordable single-track event where creativity and technology meet in a renowned, familiar and friendly atmosphere. Mastodon: Linkedin: Instagram: Twitter:
Sophie Koonin – This Website Is under Construction, a Love Letter to the Personal Website – btconf
Into the Personal-Website-Verse
Into the Personal-Website-Verse
Matthias Ott is an independent user experience designer and developer from Stuttgart, Germany. Besides design practice he teaches Interface Prototyping at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Kiel.
Personal websites are the backbone of the independent Web of creators. Even after all those years, they remain a vital part of what makes the web the most remarkable and open medium to date. We shouldn’t take this for granted, though. If we don’t pay enough attention and care about the open web enough, we might lose this valuable asset. So let us protect the Web as a source of inspiration, diversity, creativity, and community. Let us maintain what we have and work together to make this little part of the magic of the Web sparkle even brighter. Let us help new members of the community to start their journey. Let us build, prototype, publish, and connect.
Into the Personal-Website-Verse