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Quite A Strange.Website Indeed
Quite A Strange.Website Indeed
Well now, seems you've found a strange and perhaps surprising website, indeed. As with all things, take and enjoy your time — after all, no one may but you.
you curse your foolishness for seeking the footer on a modern website, when you're certainly old enough (or perhaps young enough!) to have learned that websites no longer care to provide organized and useful information to their users, nor do they care for their users at all.
Quite A Strange.Website Indeed
A Framework for Evaluating Browser Support • Josh W. Comeau
A Framework for Evaluating Browser Support • Josh W. Comeau
Lots of exciting new features have been landing in CSS recently, and it can be tough trying to figure out if they’re safe to use or not. We might know that a feature is available for 92% of users, but is that sufficient? Where do we draw the line? In this blog post, I’ll share the framework I use for deciding whether or not to use a modern CSS feature
A Framework for Evaluating Browser Support • Josh W. Comeau
Yes, progressive enhancement is a fucking moral argument
Yes, progressive enhancement is a fucking moral argument
I rolled my eyes when I saw this post circulate around the webosphere. I knew it was clickbait, but I clicked it and read it, because what else is a whiney SJW feminist fuck meant to do while she’s drinking her coffee in the morning? But then, as I scanned the page, I realised what deeper level of fucked-up-ness it represents. But let me back up and explain this. First of all, the article by @joshkoor revolves around the central notion that bringing Progressive Enhancement (PE from now on) into our work is a burden on the modern web developer. You see, any site should be able to be rendered 100% in javascript, and that’s okay. Because the modern user has javascript, and expecting javascript to not be available is just plain pig-headedness. Those whiny PE proponents are making a moral case for PE, rather than taking a utilitarian and path-of-least-resistance approach.
Yes, progressive enhancement is a fucking moral argument
Semi-Annual Reminder to Learn and Hire for Web Standards
Semi-Annual Reminder to Learn and Hire for Web Standards
Alex Russell wrote a four-part series a couple weeks ago arguing that modern JavaScript-first framework-focused front-end development is costing the industry and users. Part of his conclusion for organizations: Never, ever hire for JavaScript framework skills. Instead, interview and hire only for fundamentals like web standards, accessibility, modern CSS, semantic…
Semi-Annual Reminder to Learn and Hire for Web Standards
The deskilling of web dev is harming the product but, more importantly, it's damaging our health – this is why burnout happens
The deskilling of web dev is harming the product but, more importantly, it's damaging our health – this is why burnout happens
Even before the web developer job market became as dire as it is today, I was regularly seeing developers burn out and leave the industry. Some left for good; some only temporarily.
The deskilling of web dev is harming the product but, more importantly, it's damaging our health – this is why burnout happens
Using abbr Element with title Attribute
Using abbr Element with title Attribute
This post is part of RSS Club, rewarding those who still use RSS to read and/or share content. These posts are embargoed from my regular post feed and the socials for an arbitrary number of weeks. You can see all the RSS-only posts at Tell your friends (to get…
Using abbr Element with title Attribute
Stop Closing Void Elements · Jens Oliver Meiert
Stop Closing Void Elements · Jens Oliver Meiert
Some developers believe in closing all HTML elements. Some have to close all HTML elements. Others don’t believe in doing so, or aren’t forced either way. In citeUpgrade Your HTML IV/cite, I wrote a little about closing void elements.
Stop Closing Void Elements · Jens Oliver Meiert
Embrace the Platform
Embrace the Platform
At the end of 2021, CSS-Tricks (RIP) asked a bunch of authors “What is the one thing people can do to make their websites better?”. This here, is my submission for that end-of-year series.
Embrace the Platform
Blockquotes in Screen Readers
Blockquotes in Screen Readers
TL;DR: This post does not assert the correct way to code blockquotes, it will only demonstrate how screen readers announce some existing patterns. Test Details The first four examples are lifted from WHATWG HTML’s blockquote entry. The next three are from W3C HTML’s 2019 blockquote guidance (the W3C HTML spec…
Blockquotes in Screen Readers
Fighting inter-component HTML bloat
Fighting inter-component HTML bloat
The separation of concerns we aim for in design systems has an unwanted byproduct: bloated HTML in the space between components. What can we do as component authors to encourage good markup hygiene at the inter-component level?
Fighting inter-component HTML bloat
Reluctant Gatekeeping: The Problem With Full Stack
Reluctant Gatekeeping: The Problem With Full Stack
Much of my career as a web designer has been spent, quite happily, working alongside programmers, engineers, people with computer science…
We need to identify exploitation. While there are some gleeful Full Stack Developers, many are computer scientists given too many responsibilities, and over things for which they are not willing or qualified to be held accountable.We need to address the undervaluing of HTML and CSS for what it is: gender bias. Even though we wouldn’t have computer science without pioneering women, interloping men have claimed it for themselves. Anything less than ‘real programming’ is now considered trivial, silly, artsy, female. That attitude needs to eat a poisoned ass.We need to revisit the separation of concerns principle. We simply can’t afford for people to have to know everything just to do something. It’s good that we conceptualize designs in terms of self-contained components now, but that can be a mental model without being a technology-specific land-grab.Most of all, we need to educate people who don’t code at all just how many different things different types of code can do, and how different each is to understand and write. Hopefully, this way, more of us will be writing the kind of code that suits us best, and not spending our time anxious and demoralized because we don’t know what we’re doing, or we simply have too much on our plate. That’s not to say that if you do take to JS, CSS, HTML, SQL, and C# you shouldn’t be writing all of them if you‘d like to and you have enough time!
Reluctant Gatekeeping: The Problem With Full Stack
Use the dialog element (reasonably) |
Use the dialog element (reasonably) |
Today, the HTML specification landed a very important change to the dialog element. One that resolves a multi-year discussion on how the dialog element shou...
People have a long history of taking elements/components that were intended for specific use cases, and then stressing them to their limit to fit their use case.
Use the dialog element (reasonably) |
The Great Divide Was Indeed Divisive - Chris Coyier
The Great Divide Was Indeed Divisive - Chris Coyier
Zach reflects on 17 years in the game and my essay The Great Divide, four years old this month: The Great Divide really resonated with me. I keep coming back to it and I do think it continues to accurately describe what feels like two very distinct and separate camps of web developer. And despite […]
The Great Divide Was Indeed Divisive - Chris Coyier
Landmarks and where to put them - HTMHell
Landmarks and where to put them - HTMHell
A collection of bad practices in HTML, copied from real websites.
Here's an overview of the landmark elements in HTML, their ARIA role and what they mean:aside (role: complementary) can be used to show content that is complementary to the main subject of the page. For example, links to related documents or meta info related to the main subject.footer (role: contentinfo) is where you put all the information about a page. Typically that's things like copyright info, related links, the authorform (role: form) can be a landmark element if it has a accessible name (set with aria-label, aria-labelledby or title attributes)header (role: banner) is where your page's "introduction" goes. Things like your logo, search and main navigation all go in here.main (role: main) contains the main content or functionality of your page.nav (role: navigation) is where you provide navigational links. They can be for your entire website (think your main menu), but also for your current page (think table of contents).section (role: region) This is a "generic standalone section of a page". Essentially, if you have a part of the page that stands alone, try to go down this list and if none of them fit but it's still a separate part of the page, use a section. Like forms, it'll only be a landmark if it also has an accessible name.There is still one more landmark that we need to discuss: the search landmark. All the landmarks above are HTML elements with a specific landmark role, but the search landmark role has no associated HTML element. It only exists in ARIA. As you might guess, the search landmark is used to indicate search functionality and practically, you'd add a search role to a form element to change it from a generic form to a search form.
Landmarks and where to put them - HTMHell