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Is Frontend Web Development Sexist?
Is Frontend Web Development Sexist?
Earlier this week a judge threw out the class action lawsuit against Google for pay discrimination. Embedded within a larger case about pay…
Is Frontend Web Development Sexist?
Blockquotes in Screen Readers
Blockquotes in Screen Readers
TL;DR: This post does not assert the correct way to code blockquotes, it will only demonstrate how screen readers announce some existing patterns. Test Details The first four examples are lifted from WHATWG HTML’s blockquote entry. The next three are from W3C HTML’s 2019 blockquote guidance (the W3C HTML spec…
Blockquotes in Screen Readers
Formative posts
Formative posts
Inclusive design advocate, writer, developer, and speaker
Formative posts
Fighting inter-component HTML bloat
Fighting inter-component HTML bloat
The separation of concerns we aim for in design systems has an unwanted byproduct: bloated HTML in the space between components. What can we do as component authors to encourage good markup hygiene at the inter-component level?
Fighting inter-component HTML bloat
Dos and don'ts on designing for accessibility
Dos and don'ts on designing for accessibility
Karwai Pun is an interaction designer currently working on Service Optimisation to make existing and new services better for our users. Karwai is part of an accessibility group at Home Office Digital, leading on autism. Together with the team, she’s created these …
Dos and don'ts on designing for accessibility
Tailwind and the Femininity of CSS
Tailwind and the Femininity of CSS
Why we undervalue front-end expertise in the web development world.
The important bit is that they hinder deep learning of CSS. This is not to say that every developer needs to have intimate knowledge of CSS when launching a personal project, but that major businesses need to invest in hiring front-end designers that specialize in this area. Many self-proclaimed full-stack developers don’t know how to write good and/or modern CSS. Hiring and promotion evaluations require developers to show deep skill in a variety of languages, but CSS is not often included. For many engineering teams, design is just a flourish, and a developer with rudimentary skill in CSS is good enough as long as they can tack on a framework that takes care of most of the heavy lifting. That heavy lifting, unfortunately, doesn’t account for the human time and care needed for things like accessibility. The joke for many designers is that it’s incredibly easy to see what kind of site uses something like Bootstrap because no effort was put into customizing it.
There are surely plenty of people of marginalized gender experience in all programming spaces, but they don’t have as much opportunity to surface new ideas. CSS is only allowed some slight breathing room simply because other programmers don’t even consider it to be part of web development. The distinction is even clearer when you consider the differences between front-end and backend salaries. CSS having any validity in the field while maintaining its feminine image is a threat to the notion that programming is a masculine exercise.
CSS being a feminine language isn’t a bad thing. Quite the contrary, I’d argue that all programming is feminine as it was pioneered by women (who were then pushed out by men). And while the web development community is still very much governed by men, a larger portion of the top voices in the front-end space are more feminine-identifying than in other areas. Consequently, these same voices are the ones that are brigaded with hate after daring to disagree with dominant ideas.
Tailwind and the Femininity of CSS
Reluctant Gatekeeping: The Problem With Full Stack
Reluctant Gatekeeping: The Problem With Full Stack
Much of my career as a web designer has been spent, quite happily, working alongside programmers, engineers, people with computer science…
We need to identify exploitation. While there are some gleeful Full Stack Developers, many are computer scientists given too many responsibilities, and over things for which they are not willing or qualified to be held accountable.We need to address the undervaluing of HTML and CSS for what it is: gender bias. Even though we wouldn’t have computer science without pioneering women, interloping men have claimed it for themselves. Anything less than ‘real programming’ is now considered trivial, silly, artsy, female. That attitude needs to eat a poisoned ass.We need to revisit the separation of concerns principle. We simply can’t afford for people to have to know everything just to do something. It’s good that we conceptualize designs in terms of self-contained components now, but that can be a mental model without being a technology-specific land-grab.Most of all, we need to educate people who don’t code at all just how many different things different types of code can do, and how different each is to understand and write. Hopefully, this way, more of us will be writing the kind of code that suits us best, and not spending our time anxious and demoralized because we don’t know what we’re doing, or we simply have too much on our plate. That’s not to say that if you do take to JS, CSS, HTML, SQL, and C# you shouldn’t be writing all of them if you‘d like to and you have enough time!
Reluctant Gatekeeping: The Problem With Full Stack
Redesigning for Cognitive Ease
Redesigning for Cognitive Ease
After all the WCAG standards are met, how accessible is your site for users with cognitive disabilities? How can you tell? What does that mean? Where would you even start? I’d been making websites for over 20 years, and I didn’t understand what it was like to use the web with a cognitive disability until I developed one. After treatment to remove a slow-growing brain tumor, I had a hard time using most websites, including the ones I built! This real-world experience gave me a newfound perspective on accessibility, and I learned that there’s no better way to understand a user’s experience than living it. It also motivated me to learn new techniques that provide more accessible experiences for users with cognitive impairments and redesign parts of my sites with a focus on cognitive ease. This session was in the Design Track. About the Speaker Alyssa Panetta has been designing and developing websites by hand since Y2K. She has worked for educational mathematics software companies and is currently a Web Designer/Developer for the University Libraries, University at Albany. After a diagnosis of brain cancer in 2020 and subsequent treatment, Alyssa started a website where she writes letters to her removed tumor that is preserved in a tumor research bank: Learn more about axe-con at
Redesigning for Cognitive Ease
Spicy specifications
Spicy specifications
Making sense of several solutions for design decisions aimed to help our community.
I believe the root of the problem is using the name Design Token for experimental approaches while a group aims to define what it means to be a Design Token. These other formats do not follow the specification in small and large ways and are therefore not accurate in describing Design Tokens as we expect them to be used in the community universally. Rebranding these novel approaches as something else for future features (as Figma has done) would make the expectations and responsibilities of Design Tokens more understandable to the community moving forward.
Spicy specifications
Ending design handoff: this is our fight
Ending design handoff: this is our fight
If we, as designers, don’t fight to end the design handoff sh** show, then who will?
unnecessary rework of both design and code is nearly guaranteed, and the monetary costs are high. The Dev Ops Research & Assessment Group calculates that for a medium-sized business at a medium level of technical performance, upwards of 37.8M is lost to unnecessary rework each year.
Forrester Research quantified how much cheaper it is to find and fix problems earlier in the build process, with costs 30 times higher if fixes happen after work ships.
starting with a Double Diamond design process, then shifting to the build phase with iterative engineering sprints:In No Handoff, discovery, and development phases happen in iterations with the involvement of an interdisciplinary team:Discovery is not conducted solely by the UX and Design team, nor compressed into a single sprint. It takes place in cycles as the team tests the prototype with users and gains more insights.Definition is when decisions are made on what to prioritize, and what to work on next. Basing these decisions on the latest rounds of feedback further reduces risk.During Develop/Deliver stages, both design and functionality emerge side by side, informing one another. In this way, designers avoid specifying needlessly expensive directions or components or designing things in detail that don’t have value or won't be built. Engineers avoid building functionality ahead of validated business needs, and also avoid unnecessary rework due to unexpected redesigns.
This iterative process clearly reduces risk, but other benefits are more surprising.Teams develop a shared vocabulary, tooling, and cadence, closing the gap between engineering and product.The voice of the end user is elevated; design and function co-emerge based on real usability needs. Traditional project handoff precludes the possibility of continuous listening, while the No Handoff Method is built around it.Designers are working directly on the product design, not on throwaway artifacts.Onboarding is happening continuously with end users during frequent testing phases. This further reduces the risk of users (or other stakeholders) unexpectedly rejecting the end results.Iteration and frequent user testing can give Marketing and Sales teams invaluable insights in advance of releases.An atmosphere of trust is built as developers and designers become comfortable openly sharing work earlier in the ideation phase without fear of reprisal for mistakes or imperfections.Leadership and end-users trust that they are being heard, too, because they see and experience the results of their feedback in future iterations.Trust allows teams to develop a culture of learning, continuously improving the product.
Ending design handoff: this is our fight
The Best Handoff Is No Handoff — Smart Interface Design Patterns
The Best Handoff Is No Handoff — Smart Interface Design Patterns
Design handoffs are inefficient and painful. They cause frustration, friction and a lot of back and forth. Can we avoid them altogether? Of course we can! Let’s see how to do just that.
Design decisions have to be informed by technical implementations and its limitations. There is no universal language around design patterns and their interaction design either. And not every design detail can be implemented in an accessible and performant way. This is why beautiful mock-ups turn into painfully slow and inaccessible monsters.
The Best Handoff Is No Handoff — Smart Interface Design Patterns
Disability Visibility - Rachele DiTullio
Disability Visibility - Rachele DiTullio
In Ettie Bailey-King’s article “Disability is not a dirty word“, she reminds us that it’s okay to say the word “disability” because disabled peoples’ lives aren’t tragedies. There’s nothing to sugar-coat with euphemisms like “special needs.”
People are disabled by structures. A wheelchair user is disabled by design choices, like buildings without ramps. The problem is social systems, not people’s bodies. Disability is a mismatch between a person and the environment they’re in.
Disability is a spectrum and may be permanent, temporary or situational: From Microsoft Inclusive design Disability is the largest minority group there is and it’s the only one that we can enter at any time.
Disability is not a monolith and there is no singular disabled experience. Some areas of intersectionality with disability include: Race Gender identity Sexual orientation Size Socioeconomic status The experiences of a Black disabled person will vary from those of a trans disabled person or a poor disabled person in meaningful ways. Disability also intersects with every aspect of someone’s life: Employment School Family Community Mass incarceration
aid accessibility efforts, we can incorporate inclusive design. Inclusive design principals seek to create solutions that are usable by a wide range of people. There’s a saying in the disability community: Nothing about us without us. This means that our design process must include disabled people. We need to hire disabled people to create and build solutions. We need to pay disabled people for their feedback on how our solutions can work better for them.
Disability is never a barrier. Design is.
Disability Visibility - Rachele DiTullio
Can You Be A Designer If You Have No Training? | Henry From Online
Can You Be A Designer If You Have No Training? | Henry From Online
I recently saw it asserted that “if you don't have formal design training, you’re not a designer”. That’s a flawed statement because of the ubiquitous nature of design.
design happens in a thousand little ways every day by non-designers. When folks choose the order of items on their restaurant menu, or make the newsletter for their community theater, or rearrange their living room to flow more naturally, they’re thinking about a system and enacting improvements to it. These are just people, though — they’re not necessarily academics nor are they necessarily not, but despite the lack of training in or even awareness of design thinking and discipline, they’re doing design.
Can You Be A Designer If You Have No Training? | Henry From Online
How drawing helps you think | Ralph Ammer
How drawing helps you think | Ralph Ammer
You don't have to be an artist to draw! In this beautifully illustrated talk, Ralph Ammer shows how drawing your thoughts can be a powerful tool for improving your thinking, creativity and communication. He wants you to believe in your drawing abilities, and provides numerous exercises to help you get started.
How drawing helps you think | Ralph Ammer
The Creative Switch - Ralph Ammer
The Creative Switch - Ralph Ammer
How to have more ideas. This is how you stop staring at a blank paper and unleash your creative potential.
Just create a lot of options and then pick the best one. But why is that so hard? Because for each of those two steps we need to be in a different mood.
We have to step outside convention and disrupt our normal way of thinking.
Knowledge is the raw material for ideas.
shut the censor up: Focus on quantity! For example, make it a game to come up with 100 stupid ideas in 10 minutes. Then we simply don’t have time to judge. And this opens the floodgates for our crazy creative mind.
Ideas are attracted to laughter.
The Creative Switch - Ralph Ammer
Opportunities for AI in Accessibility :: Aaron Gustafson
Opportunities for AI in Accessibility :: Aaron Gustafson
In reading through Joe Dolson’s recent piece on the intersection of AI and accessibility, I absolutely appreciated the skepticism he has for AI in general as well as the ways in which many have been using it. In fact, I am very skeptical of AI myself, despite my role at Microsoft being that of an Accessibility Innovation Strategist helping run the AI for Accessibility grant program. As with any tool, AI can be used in very constructive, inclusive, and accessible ways and it can used in destructive, exclusive, and harmful ones. And there are a ton of uses somewhere in the mediocre middle as well. I’d like you to consider this a “yes… and” piece to compliment Joe’s post. I don’t seek to refute any of what he’s saying, but rather provide some visibility to projects and opportunities where AI can make a meaningful difference for people with disabilities (PwD) across the globe. To be clear, I am not saying there aren’t real risks and pressing issues with AI that need to be addressed—there are, and we needed to address them like yesterday—but I want to take a little time to talk about what’s possible, in hopes we’ll get there one day.
I have no doubt that AI can and will harm people… today, tomorrow, and well into the future. However, I also believe that we can acknowledge that and, with an eye towards accessibility (and, more broadly, inclusion), make thoughtful, considerate, intentional changes in our approaches to AI that will reduce harm over time as well. Today, tomorrow, and well into the future.
Opportunities for AI in Accessibility :: Aaron Gustafson
The devil you know | everything changes
The devil you know | everything changes
On the fallacy of change.
The questions I wished I had asked myself back then are: What are the risks of making a change? What are the risks of not doing so? How might you mitigate those risks? What’s a small, experimental step you can take, right now? Not tomorrow or next week, but this hour, this minute?
And: how do you want to be in your work? This is different from what you want to do. How do you want to show up, to be present, to experience the work? What needs to change (in you, or in your environment) for that to be possible?
The devil you know | everything changes