

Custom sorting
Landmarks and where to put them - HTMHell
Landmarks and where to put them - HTMHell
A collection of bad practices in HTML, copied from real websites.
Here's an overview of the landmark elements in HTML, their ARIA role and what they mean:aside (role: complementary) can be used to show content that is complementary to the main subject of the page. For example, links to related documents or meta info related to the main subject.footer (role: contentinfo) is where you put all the information about a page. Typically that's things like copyright info, related links, the authorform (role: form) can be a landmark element if it has a accessible name (set with aria-label, aria-labelledby or title attributes)header (role: banner) is where your page's "introduction" goes. Things like your logo, search and main navigation all go in here.main (role: main) contains the main content or functionality of your page.nav (role: navigation) is where you provide navigational links. They can be for your entire website (think your main menu), but also for your current page (think table of contents).section (role: region) This is a "generic standalone section of a page". Essentially, if you have a part of the page that stands alone, try to go down this list and if none of them fit but it's still a separate part of the page, use a section. Like forms, it'll only be a landmark if it also has an accessible name.There is still one more landmark that we need to discuss: the search landmark. All the landmarks above are HTML elements with a specific landmark role, but the search landmark role has no associated HTML element. It only exists in ARIA. As you might guess, the search landmark is used to indicate search functionality and practically, you'd add a search role to a form element to change it from a generic form to a search form.
Landmarks and where to put them - HTMHell
Where Web Components Went Wrong (And How We Can Turn It Around)
Where Web Components Went Wrong (And How We Can Turn It Around)
I believe the solution is staring us directly in the eyes. CSS is a declarative language that enhances HTML. CSS is agnostic of how the HTML is produced. Despite this CSS is extremely ergonomic and powerful. The path is there for web components to be used in a responsible and progressive manner. We just need people with the drive and desire to find a better way than the hole we've dug ourselves in. I'm building my version of this vision with Corset. I look forward to seeing what other solutions arise. Corset
Where Web Components Went Wrong (And How We Can Turn It Around)
Mastodon and federation
Mastodon and federation
The more I read about Mastodon promoters' opinions on how it should work, the more I think, "How could you possibly think that is how it is going to go?" One group of people want a Federated Feed Reader: They want to read the clever updates and memes from their friends and favorite celebrities. They want to post a GIF and have their friends validate them by hitting "like" on it. They want to ...
And then a few months later, the people actually running those instances are going to start flexing their muscle, and the users' response will be, "Wait, who even are you? This sucks. I just wanted my memes".
Mastodon and federation
How to name your colors in a Design System
How to name your colors in a Design System
Definitive, Semantic, and Contextual naming conventions
Naming ConventionsDefinitive naming (Avoid!!!)Semantic naming (Describe color intent)Contextual naming (Describe color use)Combining Semantic+ContextualSemantic for DesignersContextual for EngineersColor weightsSemantic+weighted (tints/shades with numbers)Meaningful/useful weights (Use of L* values)Incidental vs. Essential weights (WCAG compliance)
How to name your colors in a Design System
Designing for people with dyscalculia and low numeracy
Designing for people with dyscalculia and low numeracy
We often forget that some people struggle with numbers, which can make our services really hard to use. But, there are things you can do to make your services more accessible.
Designing for people who struggle with numbers We need to deliver services which convey numbers plainly and in a way that is easy for everyone to understand.
Designing for people with dyscalculia and low numeracy
Seirdy's Home
Seirdy's Home
My personal IndieWeb site. I write about and develop software to promote user autonomy. Topics include accessibility, security, privacy, and software freedom.
Seirdy's Home
The BuzzFeedification of Mental Health
The BuzzFeedification of Mental Health
Did you know that the founder of BuzzFeed predicted that we'd all be yelling at each other about ADHD 25 years ago (kinda)?
The BuzzFeedification of Mental Health
i'm a creative technologist on a quest to make the internet fun, whimsical, and accessible for everyone. here's a quick taste of what I do:
Josh W Comeau
Josh W Comeau
Friendly tutorials for developers. Focus on React, CSS, Animation, and more!
Josh W Comeau
Everyone is racing to copy Apple. Here's why.
Everyone is racing to copy Apple. Here's why.
Apple Silicon is changing how consumer tech is designed thanks to software-defined hardware blocks for homogenous compute. The end of the general-purpose CPU is near.
Everyone is racing to copy Apple. Here's why.
Photo editor
Photo editor
No ads, no popups, no cookies, no account. The fastest way to edit photos online
Photo editor
Video editor
Video editor
No ads, no popups, no cookies, no account. The fastest way to edit video online
Video editor
CSS Gradient Generator
CSS Gradient Generator
Friendly tutorials for developers. Focus on React, CSS, Animation, and more!
CSS Gradient Generator
Brian Lovin
Brian Lovin
Product designer, podcaster, and writer, living in San Francisco.
Brian Lovin