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Life in Weeks
Life in Weeks
My life, where each week I’ve been alive is a little box. When meaningful things happen (for both better and worse) I make a note of it so I can remember how much of life is influenced by these factors. If you’d like to create your own version of this, it’s basically a data file, a template, and a blog post mashed together on Jekyll blog hosted on Netlify.
Life in Weeks
We need accessibility action — Now! · Eric Eggert
We need accessibility action — Now! · Eric Eggert
We must make more progress for web accessibility. We need to fix the top issue and concentrate on addressing them where it makes most sense. In the end, the promise of an accessible web must be kept.
We need accessibility action — Now! · Eric Eggert
Matthias Ott is an independent user experience designer and developer from Stuttgart, Germany. Besides design practice he teaches Interface Prototyping at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Kiel.
AI-Generated Images from AI-Generated Alt Text
AI-Generated Images from AI-Generated Alt Text
Dear sighted reader, I want you to read this post without looking at the images. Each has been hidden in a disclosure. Instead, read the alternative text I provide and visualize how it may look. Then read the automatically generated alternative text, and try to visualize it then. Consider how…
AI-Generated Images from AI-Generated Alt Text
There Is No Document Outline Algorithm
There Is No Document Outline Algorithm
I figured I would state the entire argument in the title. After all, as of this writing and the last seven-plus years, the statement is accurate as far as the browsers are concerned. I am penning this as sort of a follow-up to my post from 2013, The Truth about…
Way back in the early oughts (actually, 1999–2000) I wrote a CMS (Content Management System) based on delimited text files. It was a lark. I wanted to teach myself some programming skills and my brother needed a mini-CMS while he was overseas. I quickly ran into the heading issue that HTML5 tried to solve — sometimes his content would be re-used elsewhere in the layout, and the headings would not make sense anymore. But I solved it. I solved it without any fancy frameworks or libraries or HTML5 retooling. Every content container carried a variable (this was all server-side code). That variable was a number reflecting its nesting level on the page. That number was then used to replace the number in any <h#> levels in the content (the content was chunked enough that there was not more than one heading). I carried that technique forward into projects on much beefier CMSes and never had to worry about training authors how to manage chunked content on their home pages (and similar chunked pages). The move to HTML5 never made me consider an all-<h1> solution, partly because I knew the outline was not supported.
Have a single <h1> per page, and that <h1> should correspond to the value of the <title> (excluding the site name, marketing tagline, etc).
There Is No Document Outline Algorithm
A Whole Cascade of Layers
A Whole Cascade of Layers
Dave’s ‘SBRDFLT’ acronym is based on the ‘layers’ I expose in the layer-selection settings below. Roughly, they imply: /* SBRDFLT */@layer spec, browser, reset, default, features, layout, theme;
A Whole Cascade of Layers
I Can’t Breathe
I Can’t Breathe
Facebook memes taught me that, instead of facing my fear of needles, I could instead pretend I conscientiously object to vaccination programs, now my lungs are riddled with Covid and I can’t breathe.Sitting in my legally parked car eating a zinger burger was such an affront to the existence of an off-duty klansman that he put his boot on my neck and now I can’t breathe.I wiggled my little hedgehog nose into a plastic bag because vine fucking tomatoes have to be hermetically sealed for sale or a petrochemical heir won’t be able to afford his 17th Lamborghini and now I can’t breathe.My employer reclassified my job as a hobby and hobbies don’t come with sick pay or medical insurance, so now I’m living in a loophole, sat in an unheated flat cultivating pneumonia and I can’t breathe.A couple of breeders 100km upwind thought a pyrotechnic was the best way to communicate that their newly minted child comes with its own penis, now I’m chocking down burnt tree and I can’t breathe.I’m reading about all this chaos and misery and greed and sickness and it feels like it’s closing in around me, getting nearer every day and it feels like my throat is closing up and I can’t breathe.
I Can’t Breathe
Why most design systems implode
Why most design systems implode
We asked Brad Frost if design systems are still relevant in 2022?
Design systems go stale fastImagine the frustration of using a library with stale documentation. Brad points out stale documentation as the primary pitfall for design system teams: "They treat [design systems] as this off-to-the-side thing… Chores suck, so teams eventually stop updating reference documentation. Once the documentation ceases to reflect the reality of the product, the effort is dead in the water."If you could auto-generate documentation from code, that would ensure the production UI and docs stay in sync. When you build components in Storybook, you naturally capture all their use cases as stories. Those stories can also be used to auto-generate interactive API documentation. What’s more, you can add more context by writing Markdown or embedding design assets.
Why most design systems implode
The Patchability of the Open Web
The Patchability of the Open Web
The personal blog of Dave Rupert, web developer and podcaster from Austin, TX.
I under-appreciate the ability to patch or coerce websites to meet my needs. That’s a feature of HTML, written in the by-laws as “consider users over authors”. As a user, I get the final say. This is why stylesheets cascade, why JavaScript can be turned off, and why browser extensions exist; it’s a foundational aspect of the web.
The Patchability of the Open Web
My therapist suggested I talk to my inner child. I thought she was joking – but it changed everything
My therapist suggested I talk to my inner child. I thought she was joking – but it changed everything
Growing up, Anna Spargo-Ryan was taught she was naughty and lazy. After an adult diagnosis of ADHD, she’s revisiting that kid – and together they’re rewriting history
I’d been in therapy for decades, but I had a new psychologist helping with my anxiety who was teaching me about my young self. I talked to her about how I felt in the present day (afraid, tired, hungry, tired, angry), and she helped me draw links between those feelings and what happened when I was small.Then she encouraged me to talk to that little girl.Like, to have an actual conversation.“That’s stupid,” I said, pretending to be a rational person who’s not in constant dialogue with her cat.“Try it,” she said. “What would you tell yourself?”I tried it. From my therapist’s couch I found, in my memory, a small blond child alone on a schoolyard swing. She had been booted from class to “calm down”, so she was twisting up the chains and then letting go so they would spin her around. The air was cool. Autumn. Through the window, she could see other kids painting bright colours on to butchers paper.I imagined myself sitting next to her on the other swing. Why are you out here? I would ask, and she would say, I’m naughty, and the chains would clang as they unravelled.But what if, I would say, I knew you were trying your best?No one had ever said this to six-year-old Anna. They had only ever told her to be something different. I felt something click in my chest.After I had used up all my therapist’s tissues and gone home, I kept visiting this past self. I found her in classrooms where everything seemed too noisy. I found her hiding under the bed from people who would yell at her, panicking about report cards, forgetting her homework. I found her yelling, crying, laughing, wishing she could be somebody else. This anxious, bound-up kid fighting every single thing in her life.
My therapist suggested I talk to my inner child. I thought she was joking – but it changed everything
State of Web Components August 2022
State of Web Components August 2022
Join this special “State of Web Components” event and catch up on all the latest news about what is possible, improved, and coming soon in the ever growing adoption and use of web components. Covering new tooling and unique ways to incorporate web components that you might not have thought about yet!
State of Web Components August 2022
On Using Web Component Libraries
On Using Web Component Libraries
We tend to think of components as things that belong to a framework. After all, React has components,...
With web components, the platform is the framework.
On Using Web Component Libraries
Into the Personal-Website-Verse
Into the Personal-Website-Verse
Matthias Ott is an independent user experience designer and developer from Stuttgart, Germany. Besides design practice he teaches Interface Prototyping at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Kiel.
Personal websites are the backbone of the independent Web of creators. Even after all those years, they remain a vital part of what makes the web the most remarkable and open medium to date. We shouldn’t take this for granted, though. If we don’t pay enough attention and care about the open web enough, we might lose this valuable asset. So let us protect the Web as a source of inspiration, diversity, creativity, and community. Let us maintain what we have and work together to make this little part of the magic of the Web sparkle even brighter. Let us help new members of the community to start their journey. Let us build, prototype, publish, and connect.
Into the Personal-Website-Verse
How to fight fascism? - Mike Monteiro
How to fight fascism? - Mike Monteiro
All design is political, because all politics are designed. The world is a mess because a certain set of people designed it to be a mess. Now we need a different set of people to design our way out of it. This is not a choice. Regardless of whether this is what we wanted or not fascism is knocking on our front door. This is how we knock back.
How to fight fascism? - Mike Monteiro
Components Are Pure Overhead
Components Are Pure Overhead
With many starting to look at incorporating Reactivity into existing Frameworks I wanted to take a moment to look at how Frameworks evolved into using Components, the evolution of change and state management, to best understand the impact of where things are going.
Components Are Pure Overhead
The JS-industrial-complex
The JS-industrial-complex
“The JS-industrial-complex are complexity merchants. They sell increasingly baroque solutions to imagined problems, or challenges created by the JS-industrial-complex itself. It's mostly nonsense.”
The JS-industrial-complex
Spacing in Design Systems
Spacing in Design Systems
Chris and Dave discuss the different ways to manage spacing in a design system and the various pros and cons to each approach. Relevant Links:
Spacing in Design Systems