Cucumber Weight Loss Water

Cucumber Weight Loss Water
Cucumber Weight Loss Water
This video is about How to make Fresh Cucumber Water (Agua Fresca) 2.0 Our Amazon Storefront: You can find the roasting grill in the ӣooking essentials listԼ/p If you would like to donate to Ӗiews on the RoadԠThank you חחחחחחחחחחחח׭ Cucumber Agua Fresca 1-2 Peeled Cucumbers 5-6 Cups Water 1 Tbs Fresh Lemon or Lime Juice The desired amount of Frozen Cucumber and Watermelon Cubes Optional- Tajin *If you enjoy sweet aqua Fresca Add 4 Tbs Sugar If you are using this recipe for weight loss, Please make sure to be patient with yourself. I explained in the video how this drink aided my weightless. Please let me know how this refreshing drink worked for you. Remember No Sugar in this drink to aid your weight loss. Lots of love as always, Stephanie P.S- Remember to consult with your health care provider if you have medical conditions that prevent you from consuming recipes like this. Recipes that have helped me stay satiated Crispy pan Seared Salmon- /Juicy Cod with Veggies ֠ /Keto Enchiladas- /Detox Salad- /Detox Dressing ֠ /Hot Pot Veggie soup- /Chicken Cheesy lettuce wraps- /Cold Crab Salad- /Mango Salsa- /Agua Chile- / חחחחחחחחח׼br /If you use my recipes for your channel or social media platforms. Please give credit to Ӗiews on the RoadԮ My recipes are original and a lot of loving work goes into them. Thank you, Stephanie Viewsontheroad2 en Espa񯬠 Las Do񡳼br / חחחחחח׭ Views Dinner rolls recipe How to boil a chicken Views Chili Powder How to prepare Views Chile for Enchiladas Views Tortillas Recipeżbr / Views Recipe Playlistżbr / How to make Salsa Verde / How to make Corn Tortillas / Disclosure: Bear in mind that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a small commission. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you This is not a sponsored video.
Cucumber Weight Loss Water