Body Dysmorphia And How We Can Struggle With It Less.

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Body Dysmorphia And How We Can Struggle With It Less.pdf
Body Dysmorphia And How We Can Struggle With It Less.pdf
We read a really interested quote the other day about body dysmorphia that read: “your perception of your body changes a lot more than your physical body does”. And that got me thinking, have you ever had moments where you’ve looked back on pictures of yourself and you remember thinking at that time “oh god, I don’t like XYZ of myself in that picture” or “I don’t feel like I look my best” and then you look back at that photo and you think…what was I thinking when I thought I didn’t look good? I looked great then and I was worried about myself? For what?
Body Dysmorphia And How We Can Struggle With It Less.pdf