League of Legends esports teams turn to Tim ‘Magic’ Sevenhuysen for ‘Moneyball’ counsel
Riot Games: MSI had 364 million unique viewers
Riot Games closes in on landmark streaming deal for e-sports with MLB Advanced Media - LA Times
Riot Games, BAM Tech Near Groundbreaking Deal To Stream League Of Legends - SportsBusiness Daily | SportsBusiness Journal | SportsBusiness Daily Global
LCS owners send letter to Riot Games about concerns regarding relegation, financial stability and charter membership
Shaq and A-Rod buy into eSports, invest in League of Legends team | FOX Sports
Azubu's Worlds stream has a pretty cool new feature: live stats overlay! : leagueoflegends
League of Legends prodigy Faker carries his country on his shoulders
27 million watched this video game tournament, same audience as NCAA final - MarketWatch
Counter Logic Gaming airs dirty laundry - PC Gamer