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Hermann Nitsch (1938-2022)
Hermann Nitsch (1938-2022)
Zo. Dus Hermann Nitsch is ook dood. Eigenlijk had zijn lichaam opengesperd op een rek vastgebonden moeten worden. Dan had het, met enkele naakte vrouwen en mannen, een berg broden en vissen, druiven en tomaten, kilo’s ingewanden en een paar honderd liter bloed nog één laatste ‘performance’ op kunnen leveren en kregen de dieren uiteindelijk toch hun revanche maar het heeft helaas niet zo mogen zijn.
Hermann Nitsch (1938-2022)
RIP Letizia Battaglia
RIP Letizia Battaglia
a unique and awe inspiring human. the documentary about her, shooting the mafia, will no doubt be shown on dutch TV again shortly. tnx roxanne van iperen.
RIP Letizia Battaglia
Mary Ellen Mark — Tiny, Seattle, 1983
Mary Ellen Mark — Tiny, Seattle, 1983
Mary Ellen Mark's skill was “to be able to pull things from reality, to see what’s strange and real”. Her Seattle story focused on a group of teenagers, some as young as 13, who had run away from home and were surviving selling drugs or by selling themselves for sex. She stayed involved with them in different ways. She tried to adopt one 13-year-old girl, Tiny, a sex worker, to remove her from the place; when that did not succeed, Mark worked with her husband, film-maker Martin Bell, to make a documentary that drew attention to these children’s lives. She stayed in touch with Tiny and the other kids throughout her life.
Mary Ellen Mark — Tiny, Seattle, 1983