

This is a very annoying man
This is a very annoying man
... and a bad writer. But it’s still worth reading because it's so ... ah well read it. Or not. 24 Jul 2022
This is a very annoying man
Vijftien jaar lang filmde Oeke Hoogendijk haar moeder die tientallen jaren haar huis niet uit durfde en wordt geteisterd door terugkerende nachtmerries uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Als meisje werd ze, net als haar ouders en haar broer, gedeporteerd naar verschillende concentratiekampen. Als enige kwam ze terug, getraumatiseerd en niet in staat het verleden los te laten.
Alan Blaikley obituary | The Times
Alan Blaikley obituary | The Times
The man who suggested Dave Dee and the Bostons change their name to Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich and composed the music for RD Laing's record Life and Death is dead. archived 23 Jul 2022
Alan Blaikley obituary | The Times
i think 'Drive' for when i am cleaning which is not often enough.
Emmanuel Carrère Writes His Way Through a Breakdown
Emmanuel Carrère Writes His Way Through a Breakdown
it doesn't make me any more inclined to read his book but it is a fascinating article neverthless especially in the light of well you know
his usual instinct as a writer had been to seek narrative orderliness—to “always connect one sentence with the next, always look for a smooth transition.” Now he tried to take some encouragement from the novelist Georges Perec’s formal experiments with narrative gaps and omissions. “I never experienced such an uncomfortable situation,” Carrère told me. “Honestly, it’s a flaw of the book. Well—this flaw, it’s part of its identity.” He mimed a limp.
Emmanuel Carrère Writes His Way Through a Breakdown
One in seven people in England now takes an antidepressant
One in seven people in England now takes an antidepressant
Twenty-one million prescriptions for the drugs were issued in the first quarter of this year, a million more than for the same period in 2021, and double the number that were prescribed in 2009. archived 12 Jul 2022 01:30:02 UTC
One in seven people in England now takes an antidepressant