

Authentieke levenseindes
Authentieke levenseindes zet de mooiste, ontroerendste, aangrijpendste, doodgewoonste en eerlijkste documentaires over het sterven op een rij.
Authentieke levenseindes
Can Psychedelics Help Make Dying Easier?
Can Psychedelics Help Make Dying Easier?
A landmark study, published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, in 2006 — shows psilocybin holds promise for end-of-life distress in cancer patients.
after two or three psilocybin sessions, a majority of participants had significant and positive changes in their mood, while 33 percent rated the experience as the most spiritually significant experience of their life, comparable to the birth of a first child or the death of a parent.
Can Psychedelics Help Make Dying Easier?
Final Days
Final Days
Joyce Carol Oates - Diary, 2019: Berkeley/Summit Hospital, Oakland (The Paris Review)
“I may be entering my Final Days.” Gravely, matter-of-factly he begins to speak in this way. He begins to speak of “my final days.” Final Days. The words strike terror into my heart. In a way I cannot believe that I am hearing such words. Matter-of-fact words. No. Yet there is something dignified, noble about such words. “I may be entering my Final Days.”
Final Days
Kathy Boudin obituary | The Times
Kathy Boudin obituary | The Times
Kathy Boudin, of The Weathermen, was born on May 19, 1943. She died of cancer on May 1, 2022, aged 78.
“If only there were a place where the living and the dead could meet, to tell their tales, to weep, I would reach for you — not so you could forgive me, but so you would know that I have no pride for what I’ve done, only the wisdom and regret that came too late.”
Kathy Boudin obituary | The Times