
Execution by nitrogen hypoxia?
Execution by nitrogen hypoxia?
A legal battle over a potential new method of execution in the US, raises ethical questions. Corinna Barrett Lain, a law professor at the University of Richmond says the most humane method of execution is the firing squad.
Execution by nitrogen hypoxia?
Lauren Lelonek killed herself in 2016 after years of physical and verbal abuse
Lauren Lelonek killed herself in 2016 after years of physical and verbal abuse
one of the things i do is collect things, in both the analogue and the digital realm. when i was an artist i could pretend that these were materials that i could use to make artworks with one day but what’s my excuse now? one thing i collect is pictures of people who have killed themselves. it is a particular genre of photography which you could write a book about but i don’t have time. there is a particular kind of picture that is beloved by editors of newspapers to accompany the story of someone’s suicide, they have to look happy, and if the dead person is a young woman she has to look beautiful and happy. how could this beautiful happy young woman kill themselves? she had everything to live for! but no one knows what it feels like to be a person in the world who is not yourself, and even if it is yourself you might not know.
Lauren Lelonek killed herself in 2016 after years of physical and verbal abuse