
Why Gen Z are on speed
Why Gen Z are on speed
so you could have an archetypal boring old fart’s tut tut reaction to this (oh they will never appreciate charles dickens or the great russian novels) or you could say, good on gen z for not allowing producers of long winded entertainments and self indulgent university lecturers that go on and on to waste their time ...
Why Gen Z are on speed
Thirty-five years after the publication of her iconic photobook, “The Ballad of Sexual Dependency”, Nan Goldin reflects on a record of life that nobody could revise.
Thirty-five years after the publication of her iconic photobook, “The Ballad of Sexual Dependency”, Nan Goldin reflects on a record of life that nobody could revise.
"I went from being young to being old, I didn’t experience the transition. In your sixties, it’s a much different awareness of death, of seeing how limited your time is and how quickly it goes..."
Thirty-five years after the publication of her iconic photobook, “The Ballad of Sexual Dependency”, Nan Goldin reflects on a record of life that nobody could revise.
Sublocade vs Suboxone
Sublocade vs Suboxone
what's the story with the different drugs used for opiod addiction and wtf is seratonin syndrome?
Sublocade vs Suboxone
Nut en noodzaak van Cannabisolie
Nut en noodzaak van Cannabisolie
Patiënten met lichamelijke en psychische klachten zeggen baat te hebben bij Cannabisolie, dat een pijnremmende werking heeft. Maar onomstotelijk wetenschappelijk bewijs is er nog niet, en daarom wordt het niet vergoed door de zorgverzekeraars. En cannabisolie is duur: een behandeling kan duizenden Euro’s per maand kosten. En tienduizenden patiënten kunnen dat niet betalen. Lees ook: 'Legale' cannabisolie voor pijnbestrijding voor het eerst op de markt
Nut en noodzaak van Cannabisolie