

Meanwhile in El Salvador...
Meanwhile in El Salvador...
From The Times 4-5-22 : Nayib Bukele styles himself as “The Saviour”, which is also the name in English of the country he runs, El Salvador. His supporters, who number in the millions, are still prepared to put their faith in the youthful, maverick president who has pledged to transform his troubled country into an ultra-modern state, complete with bitcoin as a national currency, but not everyone is a believer. Fears that the 40-year-old leader, who wears a baseball cap backwards and has joked that he is “the coolest dictator in the world”, is lurching towards full-blown authoritarianism have been heightened by events over the past month. In a country of 6.5 million people, 20,000 have been arrested over a period of 33 days, the government said.
Meanwhile in El Salvador...
French election 2022
French election 2022
The French are unequalled masters of defacing election posters by selectively tearing away parts of the paper, a technique known as decollage.
French election 2022
Thomas Piketty Thinks America Is Primed for Wealth Redistribution - The New York Times.pdf
Thomas Piketty Thinks America Is Primed for Wealth Redistribution - The New York Times.pdf
All wealth is collective by nature in the sense that it relies on the work of hundreds, thousands, millions of engineers, technicians, the accumulation of knowledge. Then, private property is a social construction that we invent in order to organize economic and social relations. It’s a very useful social invention as long as you keep under control how much you can accumulate, how much power you can concentrate, etc. But none of these assets are their assets. They are a product of a collective process. No one invented anything by himself or herself.
Thomas Piketty Thinks America Is Primed for Wealth Redistribution - The New York Times.pdf