

‘An apparition came towards me’: Tracey Emin on seeing a ghost and building a new life in Margate
‘An apparition came towards me’: Tracey Emin on seeing a ghost and building a new life in Margate
Still in recovery from cancer, the artist has moved home with plans to open an art school, launch a catering college, and even spruce up the streets. She talks about her new sense of freedom – and the pain that infused her latest devastating nudes
They decided to reassess their relationship every six months: one night she came home to find him crying in the dark and realised it was renewal day. Or rather, non-renewal.
‘An apparition came towards me’: Tracey Emin on seeing a ghost and building a new life in Margate
The Punk-Prophet Philosophy of Michel Houellebecq — Justin E.H.Smith
The Punk-Prophet Philosophy of Michel Houellebecq — Justin E.H.Smith
The success of France’s most famous novelist has less to do with art and knowledge than anxiety and rock ’n’ roll.
One of Houellebecq’s more endearing juvenile enthusiasms is his passion for quantum mechanics, his admiration for the physicist Niels Bohr, and his belief that culture has not yet caught up with the mind-blowing implications of 20th-century theoretical physics. In a typical 1995 interview with Jean-Yves Jouannais and Christophe Duchâtelet, the author warns: “We’re moving towards disaster, guided by a false image of the world; and no one realizes.” The problem, Houellebecq thinks, is that “we’re stuck in a mechanistic and individualistic view of the world,” as a result of which, he predicts, “we will die.” Of course, many physicists and philosophers of science have themselves grappled with the problem of how to preserve what is sometimes called “the manifest image” of the world, while also accepting the reality of such puzzling phenomena as quantum superposition. Many believe our minds are simply so evolved as to keep us constantly convinced of the reality of midsized physical objects, of individual humans and animals, of all that is “manifest,” even if our best theory tells us it’s all in fact a lot more complicated than that. If failure to think in consistently quantum-theoretical terms leads to death, one would want to ask Houellebecq what it’s like to pass one’s time in a state of such profound enlightenment that even Bohr and Erwin Schrödinger only dipped into it as their work required. But of course Houellebecq is in no such state. He is not living each moment in full light of the implications of quantum theory, and his insistence that we must do so reminds us more of the common than of the exceptional quality of his mind.
The Punk-Prophet Philosophy of Michel Houellebecq — Justin E.H.Smith
Do Antidepressants Really Work?
Do Antidepressants Really Work?
While the drugs are widely used, a new study sheds light on how little is known about their long-term benefits.
73 percent of Americans prescribed antidepressants don’t even have a diagnosis of depression
pills are often easier and cheaper: It can be hard for people to access therapy because there aren’t enough providers, and mental health treatments often aren’t fully covered by insurance.
one out of eight Americans over 18
Do Antidepressants Really Work?
Hermann Nitsch (1938-2022)
Hermann Nitsch (1938-2022)
Zo. Dus Hermann Nitsch is ook dood. Eigenlijk had zijn lichaam opengesperd op een rek vastgebonden moeten worden. Dan had het, met enkele naakte vrouwen en mannen, een berg broden en vissen, druiven en tomaten, kilo’s ingewanden en een paar honderd liter bloed nog één laatste ‘performance’ op kunnen leveren en kregen de dieren uiteindelijk toch hun revanche maar het heeft helaas niet zo mogen zijn.
Hermann Nitsch (1938-2022)
Paying tribute to the dead isn’t an easy undertaking | The Times
Paying tribute to the dead isn’t an easy undertaking | The Times
i'm not usually a fan of puns in headlines but this is nice ... and an interesting piece about the workings of the obit department archived 23 Apr 2022
if Peterson were to succumb to any of his well-publicised health problems tomorrow
well let us pray that he does
Paying tribute to the dead isn’t an easy undertaking | The Times
In ‘Severance’ gaat het werk nooit meer mee naar huis
In ‘Severance’ gaat het werk nooit meer mee naar huis
Serie: Werk en privé is voor de personages in de indrukwekkende dramaserie ‘Severance’ strikt gescheiden. De spanning wordt gestaag opgebouwd om te eindigen met de meest enerverende finale van de laatste tijd.
In ‘Severance’ gaat het werk nooit meer mee naar huis
index - everythingness
index - everythingness
The French are unequalled masters of defacing election posters by selectively tearing away parts of the paper, a technique known as décollage.
index - everythingness
How the smell of rain reaches your nose | The Times
How the smell of rain reaches your nose | The Times
A raindrop pounding a porous surface traps tiny air bubbles at the point of contact. Those tiny bubbles are then catapulted upwards, ultimately bursting from the drop in a fizz of aerosols. And so the tiny droplets are sent flying into the air and blow away on a breeze that then reaches your nose with their heady scent. archived 22 Apr 2022
How the smell of rain reaches your nose | The Times
French election 2022
French election 2022
The French are unequalled masters of defacing election posters by selectively tearing away parts of the paper, a technique known as decollage.
French election 2022
Use your iMac as a display with target display mode
Use your iMac as a display with target display mode
Target display mode is a feature available with certain older Mac models.
target display mode
here's yet another reason why old macs are awesome. you can pick up an old 27"imac, more than ten years old, for €112.50. it will have 8gb of ram, a good as new magic keyboard and a 500gb ssd. it will only run high sierra (= no dark mode but ok) but get this you can plug an old macbook air into it (which will run mojave so dark mode) and use it as a display omg i love this world and this life and i love old machines which are undervalued by people because they are stupid and so they sell them cheap even though the new machines they desire are less functional than the old machines.
Use your iMac as a display with target display mode
Dear Antonioni
Dear Antonioni
Roland Barthes
the three virtues — which to my mind constitute the artist. I shall name them at once: vigilance, wisdom, and, most paradoxical of all, fragility.
…fragility oh dear god. yes. i am broken, does that count?
Dear Antonioni
“Severance” Is Sci-Fi for the Soul
“Severance” Is Sci-Fi for the Soul
The dystopian drama on takes the conceit of leaving one’s work at the office to its ultimate conclusion.*
just started watching this. it's good!
“Severance” Is Sci-Fi for the Soul