Hidden Bronze Age hair points to first hallucinogen use
Samples of human hair that were hidden in a secret chamber 3,000 years ago have provided hard evidence of the first confirmed hallucinogenic drug use in Europe.
Fentanyl: Ruim honderdduizend Amerikanen sterven jaarlijks aan een overdosis drugs, meer dan door vuurwapengeweld en verkeersongelukken bij elkaar. In de stad Saint Louis bezweken zeven mensen in de eerste week van februari aan één partij slechte drugs. Hoe kon het zo misgaan in de Parkview-flat?
Antidepressants study casts doubt on drugs taken by 8m people | The Times
Between 85 and 90 per cent of the public believe depression is caused by low serotonin or a chemical imbalance but artificially lowering serotonin levels does not lead to depression while external events such as grief can.
archived 19 Jul 2022
One in seven people in England now takes an antidepressant
Twenty-one million prescriptions for the drugs were issued in the first quarter of this year, a million more than for the same period in 2021, and double the number that were prescribed in 2009.
archived 12 Jul 2022 01:30:02 UTC
Tabitha Lasley : When I moved out of London, my plan was to write a book. Instead, I ended up working in a chicken shop, watching drugs tear through a working-class town – and my own life.
Trinny Woodall: I became addicted to cocaine because I had a total lack of confidence. I was very insecure and unappealing. I finally stopped because I didn’t recognise myself. I was so detached from life; I had no feelings. That is a scary thing.
The Times 11 June 2022
I don’t do Botox to look young. I do it not to look tired. If I look in the mirror and feel awake and alert, I will be awake and alert. If I look exhausted, I feel it. I want to feel full of energy – that’s all it is.
Scientists are once again tuning in to use of psychedelics | The Times
archived 13 May 2022 16:58:03 UTC
Even when broken down into the actions of individual neurons, much remains to be understood. Try understanding the behaviour of 86 billion of those neurons, and the abilities of the world’s collective neuroscientists are confounded. We do not know how these neurons come together to achieve the brain’s defining function: consciousness. But it’s worse than that: we struggle to even define what consciousness is.
While the drugs are widely used, a new study sheds light on how little is known about their long-term benefits.
73 percent of Americans prescribed antidepressants don’t even have a diagnosis of depression
pills are often easier and cheaper: It can be hard for people to access therapy because there aren’t enough providers, and mental health treatments often aren’t fully covered by insurance.
Thirty-five years after the publication of her iconic photobook, “The Ballad of Sexual Dependency”, Nan Goldin reflects on a record of life that nobody could revise.
"I went from being young to being old, I didn’t experience the transition. In your sixties, it’s a much different awareness of death, of seeing how limited your time is and how quickly it goes..."
Harvard takes a new trip into the world of psychedelic drugs
When the Harvard psychiatrist Jerry Rosenbaum decided to found an institute to study psychedelic drugs he telephoned some of the sharpest minds in neurology,