Daisetsu Suzuki (1870-1966) | Issue 151 | Philosophy NowBrian Morris contemplates the ‘ultimate reality’ of a Zen Buddhist philosopher.#philosophy#religion#zenDaisetsu Suzuki (1870-1966) | Issue 151 | Philosophy Now
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Why is God a man? The woman who searched the world for a feminist religionDisillusioned with Pentecostalism, Louise Omer decided to find a religion where women were not subordinate#religion#sexWhy is God a man? The woman who searched the world for a feminist religion
I was a corporate lawyer by day, training as a monk by nightAnd yet ... jammer maar helaas ... The Times | archived 25 Jun 2022#money#religionI was a corporate lawyer by day, training as a monk by night
Vincent van de Vrede : "Mijn fundament is nu de zekerheid dat ik überhaupt besta."Wel grappig. Deze meneer ruilde de ene zgn zekerheid in voor een andere. Terwijl niets überhaupt zeker is...#philosophy#religionVincent van de Vrede : "Mijn fundament is nu de zekerheid dat ik überhaupt besta."
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De koekjesverkopende nonnen van Madrid gingen viral op TikTok, zonder het zelf te wetenOf we koekjes konden halen bij de nonnen van TikTok, vroeg een Nederlandse vriend die op bezoek was in Madrid. Dat is nogal een zin, realiseer ik m...#religionDe koekjesverkopende nonnen van Madrid gingen viral op TikTok, zonder het zelf te weten
Living the #ConventLifeSisters are joining TikTok to offer a window into their cloistered experiences. “We’re not all grim old ladies reading the Bible,” one nun said.#religionLiving the #ConventLife
How Christian app Glorify persuaded Hollywood to do God | Magazine | …swipe right for jesus#religionHow Christian app Glorify persuaded Hollywood to do God | Magazine | …
Julian Barnes — my book is ‘probably offensive to most Christiansarchived 2 Apr 2022 18:04:54 UTC#religionJulian Barnes — my book is ‘probably offensive to most Christians