The curious case of the £6m artwork that may or may not be forgedi love stories about forgers and forged art works and people who buy them because they want to believe that they are real.#art#moneyThe curious case of the £6m artwork that may or may not be forged
i read the times (so you don't have to)oh yeah ... a student ... with $26 million to invest.#money#capitalismi read the times (so you don't have to)
I was a corporate lawyer by day, training as a monk by nightAnd yet ... jammer maar helaas ... The Times | archived 25 Jun 2022#money#religionI was a corporate lawyer by day, training as a monk by night
Irving Rosenthal obituary | Register | The Times“Let others dollar up their art. Mine was unpriceable. It was to be bestowed.”#capitalism#art#obituary#politics#writers#1958#amerika#moneyIrving Rosenthal obituary | Register | The Times
Brother wins £1m dispute against lying sister in rare calumny case | …i feel sad for the old man who died thinking that his son was a complete bastard and the son whose father died thinking that he was a complete bastard.#money#parents#deathBrother wins £1m dispute against lying sister in rare calumny case | …