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Emmanuel Carrère Writes His Way Through a Breakdown
Emmanuel Carrère Writes His Way Through a Breakdown
it doesn't make me any more inclined to read his book but it is a fascinating article neverthless especially in the light of well you know
his usual instinct as a writer had been to seek narrative orderliness—to “always connect one sentence with the next, always look for a smooth transition.” Now he tried to take some encouragement from the novelist Georges Perec’s formal experiments with narrative gaps and omissions. “I never experienced such an uncomfortable situation,” Carrère told me. “Honestly, it’s a flaw of the book. Well—this flaw, it’s part of its identity.” He mimed a limp.
Emmanuel Carrère Writes His Way Through a Breakdown
Column | Niet de schrijver maar de lezer is kwetsbaar
Column | Niet de schrijver maar de lezer is kwetsbaar
Moed is het eerste vereiste voor de schrijver, zeggen de schrijvers. Voor iedere zin moet je je opnieuw zelfvertrouwen aanpraten. Want, o, de ontoereikendheid van de taal en, ach, het besef nooit volledig te worden begrepen.
Column | Niet de schrijver maar de lezer is kwetsbaar