Bestaat God en is er een hemel? Dit zegt de wetenschap | De Volkskrant 16-7-22
Why is God a man? The woman who searched the world for a feminist religion
Disillusioned with Pentecostalism, Louise Omer decided to find a religion where women were not subordinate
Visdeurbel bij Utrechtse sluis gaat uit, komt volgend seizoen weer terug
Er is ruim 10.000 keer aangebeld door mensen die vissen voor de sluis zagen wachten.
Zhemao invented an alternative version of medieval Russia on wikipedia
Such a wonderful story. This person is a genius. A prank artist. Give them some kind of prize!
The Power of Talking to Yourself
Motivated delusions
About the protective power of delusions
Remco Campert
Emmanuel Carrère Writes His Way Through a Breakdown
it doesn't make me any more inclined to read his book but it is a fascinating article neverthless especially in the light of well you know
his usual instinct as a writer had been to seek narrative orderliness—to “always connect one sentence with the next, always look for a smooth transition.” Now he tried to take some encouragement from the novelist Georges Perec’s formal experiments with narrative gaps and omissions. “I never experienced such an uncomfortable situation,” Carrère told me. “Honestly, it’s a flaw of the book. Well—this flaw, it’s part of its identity.” He mimed a limp.
One in seven people in England now takes an antidepressant
Twenty-one million prescriptions for the drugs were issued in the first quarter of this year, a million more than for the same period in 2021, and double the number that were prescribed in 2009.
archived 12 Jul 2022 01:30:02 UTC
Humans Have Always Been Wrong About Humans
About 'The Dawn of Everything' by David Graeber and David Wengrow — archived version :
The inflamed mind
Could the immune system affect the psyche?
Gerard Reve heeft me leren leven
Gerard Reve (is) op zijn best wanneer hij zich te midden van alle twijfel die zich uit in spot op een reële manier tot de wereld verhoudt. Alsof je nooit iets serieus neemt. Terwijl je alles serieus neemt. Maar je probeert alles, de hele ellende, wel tot hanteerbare, menselijke proporties terug te brengen.
hij verzweeg de treurnis niet, maar keek er op een lichte manier naar
The cult of confidence: could positive thinking be making us feel less secure?
The past decade has seen a boom in ‘confidence culture’. But behind all the positive thinking, are more cynical forces at work?
Buried : Is het werkelijk mogelijk dat een verdrongen herinnering twintig jaar later ineens terugkeert?
In januari 1989 herinnerde Eileen Franklin zich in een flits dat ze als achtjarig meisje de moord op haar vriendinnetje, Susan Nason, had gezien. Ze herinnerde zich ook de moordenaar: haar eigen vader.
Schrijver Cindy Hoetmer: ‘Ik ben gewoon gestopt met een ego hebben’
'Wat bezielt iemand om, met onderbrekingen, tien jaar lang te werken aan een roman, terwijl ze het zo duidelijk niet in zich heeft?’
Column | Niet de schrijver maar de lezer is kwetsbaar
Moed is het eerste vereiste voor de schrijver, zeggen de schrijvers. Voor iedere zin moet je je opnieuw zelfvertrouwen aanpraten. Want, o, de ontoereikendheid van de taal en, ach, het besef nooit volledig te worden begrepen.
everything and nothing
now here is a sad tale : you can do everything and nothing and live until you're a hundred and seven and still have no ethics : Joshu Sasaki, Zen Master and Sexual Predator, Dead at 107
Can Psychedelics Help Make Dying Easier?
A landmark study, published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, in 2006 — shows psilocybin holds promise for end-of-life distress in cancer patients.
after two or three psilocybin sessions, a majority of participants had significant and positive changes in their mood, while 33 percent rated the experience as the most spiritually significant experience of their life, comparable to the birth of a first child or the death of a parent.
Cancer Patients Battle to Make Psilocybin Accessible for Palliative Care
Gerard Reve heeft me leren leven
Gerard Reve (is) op zijn best wanneer hij zich te midden van alle twijfel die zich uit in spot op een reële manier tot de wereld verhoudt. Alsof je nooit iets serieus neemt. Terwijl je alles serieus neemt. Maar je probeert alles, de hele ellende, wel tot hanteerbare, menselijke proporties terug te brengen.
Antidepressant use in England rises by a fifth
The Times Friday July 08 2022
When is a narcissist not a narcissist?
Narcissism itself is defined as an excessive interest in or admiration of oneself. It's entirely possible to be narcissistic without having the personality disorder... but what is the difference?
How the Mind Changed: A Human History of Our Evolving Brain by Joseph Jebelli — Review | The Times
archived 7 Jul 2022
Ken Follett puts Sotheby’s on the spot | News | The Times
A dot is a dot is a dot. Hasn't he read The work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction?
archived 4 Jul 2022
Your Fitbit has stolen your soul
Our quest for self-knowledge has corrupted humanity
De 3D-geprinte biefstuk van Loetje is fenomenaal vleesachtig (maar jammer van de saus)
Geef mijn portie maar aan Fikkie, maar die wil 'em waarschijnlijk ook niet.
Nick Kyrgios: Good for the game or a menace to tennis? | The Times
A menace to the unsufferable dicks that run the various self serving franchises which constitute the corrupt 'world of tennis'. But a sublime tennis player, I would say. I hope he goes all the way but he will probably self-destruct at some point, as he always does.
archived 3 Jul 2022
Wimbledon: The Nick Kyrgios show rolls on
Nice write up in The Times of this exhilarating tennis match.
archived 3 Jul 2022
The story of Princess Diana and the secret Melbourne toilet
ah australia. here’s a story about a toilet in melbourne that princess diana didn’t want to use, even though everyone wanted her to. with pictures!
Siesta sex is stressing me out | Weekend | The Times
I am about to go on holiday with my new girlfriend and she keeps talking about how we will be able to have sex every morning, afternoon and night.
archived 2 Jul 2022