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Gummbah is 25
Gummbah is 25
Gummbah staat 25 jaar in de Volkskrant, leve Gummbah! Fans over de cartoon die ze uitknipten en op de wc, de koelkast of vooruit, het prikbord hingen.
Gummbah is 25
Arianne Shahvisi · What It Costs to Live · LRB 21 April 2022
Arianne Shahvisi · What It Costs to Live · LRB 21 April 2022
Rishi Sunak stumbled when a BBC presenter asked him what he spends on a loaf of bread: ‘We all have different breads...
A non-isolated system is permitted to decrease its local entropy as long as there are larger offsets elsewhere.
if you lie completely still, the cost of living is around 1500 kilocalories per day – the amount of energy it would take to heat eighty litres of water from tap temperature to that of a scalding bath. Most is spent on homeostasis, the processes by which our bodies stay more or less exactly as they are. Homeostasis is sometimes used as a way of defining life itself: living beings can maintain steady internal states despite changeable external conditions.
1500 calories a day for lying perfectly still?! that's an outrage.
Arianne Shahvisi · What It Costs to Live · LRB 21 April 2022
Thirty-five years after the publication of her iconic photobook, “The Ballad of Sexual Dependency”, Nan Goldin reflects on a record of life that nobody could revise.
Thirty-five years after the publication of her iconic photobook, “The Ballad of Sexual Dependency”, Nan Goldin reflects on a record of life that nobody could revise.
"I went from being young to being old, I didn’t experience the transition. In your sixties, it’s a much different awareness of death, of seeing how limited your time is and how quickly it goes..."
Thirty-five years after the publication of her iconic photobook, “The Ballad of Sexual Dependency”, Nan Goldin reflects on a record of life that nobody could revise.
Sublocade vs Suboxone
Sublocade vs Suboxone
what's the story with the different drugs used for opiod addiction and wtf is seratonin syndrome?
Sublocade vs Suboxone
Nut en noodzaak van Cannabisolie
Nut en noodzaak van Cannabisolie
Patiënten met lichamelijke en psychische klachten zeggen baat te hebben bij Cannabisolie, dat een pijnremmende werking heeft. Maar onomstotelijk wetenschappelijk bewijs is er nog niet, en daarom wordt het niet vergoed door de zorgverzekeraars. En cannabisolie is duur: een behandeling kan duizenden Euro’s per maand kosten. En tienduizenden patiënten kunnen dat niet betalen. Lees ook: 'Legale' cannabisolie voor pijnbestrijding voor het eerst op de markt
Nut en noodzaak van Cannabisolie
Oliver Bateman’s 12 Rules for Life: The Second Half
Oliver Bateman’s 12 Rules for Life: The Second Half
The rest of what you need to know to ensure you’re always here for it, ready to do the work. || Oliver Bateman
Rule #8—Watch events unfold in your life as if you’re your own ghost: Here’s a good one, especially if you’re tired of those boring premium TV shows starring half-pretty minor league actors still awaiting their call to appear in a superhero movie franchise. If you’re looking for a gritty, true-to-life show that ambles along in a directionless manner, look no further than your own miserable existence. If you watch the day’s banalities unfold like a Flannery O’Connor or Donald Barthelme story, even the most inane story becomes infused with the sublime.
Oliver Bateman’s 12 Rules for Life: The Second Half
Tyre Extinguishers
Tyre Extinguishers
Making it impossible to own a huge polluting 4x4 in the world's urban areas.
Tyre Extinguishers
Code rood: De doodstraf
Code rood: De doodstraf
De 30-jarige Clinton Young wacht al twaalf jaar in een dodencel op zijn executie, na een veroordeling voor twee moorden. Vanuit een metalen kooi in de gevangenis in Texas vertelt hij filmmaker Jessica Villerius hoe het voelt om te weten dat hij binnenkort een dodelijke injectie krijgt.
Code rood: De doodstraf
De vijf beste (historische) Boekenweekgeschenken volgens Onno Blom
De vijf beste (historische) Boekenweekgeschenken volgens Onno Blom
Onno Blom selecteerde voor u de vijf beste Boekenweekgeschenken die zijn verschenen sinds 1932.
De enige eis: dat de tekst redelijkerwijs in 96 pagina’s kan worden afgedrukt (6 katernen van 16 pagina’s). De maat blijkt geen sinecure. Een novelle zit tussen roman en kort verhaal in, tussen tafellaken en servet.
De vijf beste (historische) Boekenweekgeschenken volgens Onno Blom
De doodsreutel is gereanimeerd
De doodsreutel is gereanimeerd
Kunstproject: Kunstenaar Vibeke Mascini voerde actie om het woord ‘doodsreutel’ terug in de Dikke Van Dale te krijgen. En slaagde, zag Thomas van Huut.
De doodsreutel is gereanimeerd
Tom Tom Club: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert
Tom Tom Club: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert
i never had much time for the tom tom club forty years ago (i was firmly in the david byrne camp) but seeing them do these lovely acoustic versions of dr.wordsworth and genius of love made me very happy.
Tom Tom Club: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert
Thomas Piketty Thinks America Is Primed for Wealth Redistribution - The New York Times.pdf
Thomas Piketty Thinks America Is Primed for Wealth Redistribution - The New York Times.pdf
All wealth is collective by nature in the sense that it relies on the work of hundreds, thousands, millions of engineers, technicians, the accumulation of knowledge. Then, private property is a social construction that we invent in order to organize economic and social relations. It’s a very useful social invention as long as you keep under control how much you can accumulate, how much power you can concentrate, etc. But none of these assets are their assets. They are a product of a collective process. No one invented anything by himself or herself.
Thomas Piketty Thinks America Is Primed for Wealth Redistribution - The New York Times.pdf