

"#ciência e tecnologia"
Mark Zuckerberg's plea for the billionaire class is deeply anti-democratic | Kate Aronoff | The Guardian
Mark Zuckerberg's plea for the billionaire class is deeply anti-democratic | Kate Aronoff | The Guardian
Moreover, billionaires’ extravagant wealth is by and large not spent, as Zuckerberg suggests, on cutting edge research and philanthropic efforts. After they’ve bought up enough yachts and private jets they mainly invest in making themselves richer through casino-style financial speculation and in luxury real estate in starkly unequal cities like San Francisco, Miami and New York, where mostly vacant homes act as safety deposit boxes to shield wealth from taxation. Their money might also end up in tax havens like the Cayman Islands, where it can sit undisturbed by the long arm of the state. Very little of that ever trickles down to the 99%, where inequality has skyrocketed and wages have stagnated.
Mark Zuckerberg's plea for the billionaire class is deeply anti-democratic | Kate Aronoff | The Guardian