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About | Pacific
About | Pacific
Pacific is a New York-based design studio and publisher with a focus on contemporary art and culture. We design books, catalogues, monographs, identities, websites, digital, advertising and print ephemera with galleries, institutions and art-focused organizations.
About | Pacific
What does a publisher do?
What does a publisher do?
At Penguin we make books for everyone, because a book can change anyone. But what exactly do we mean by the word ‘make’? Like TV, film, theatre and all other creative industries, a huge amount of work goes into the creation of the final, glossy product – in our case, a book.  So, what happens […]
What does a publisher do?
Peinture Fraîche Bookshop - Peinture Fraiche
Peinture Fraîche Bookshop - Peinture Fraiche
Peinture Fraîche is an independent bookshop not like the others. We only sell art related books and books which influence(d) artistic practices broadly.
Peinture Fraîche Bookshop - Peinture Fraiche