If you are interested in making the web more accessible to people with disabilities, join the discussion! Find out what projects people are working on, learn new techniques or ask questions of the community.
Imagine, for a moment, that your browser stopped showing you images. You would still see them referenced in articles, you’d read conversations about them, people making jokes. What would this experience be like for you? You would certainly feel pretty left out.
I use the CSS :has() pseudo-class to provide an interactive alt text decision tree (from the W3C WAI Tutorial) that uses no script. It is progressively enhanced, so browsers without support for :has() still get all the content.
Source Sans Pro, Adobe's first open source typeface family, was designed by Paul D. Hunt. It is a sans serif typeface intended to work well in user interfaces.
The effect of a specialized dyslexia font, OpenDyslexic, on reading rate and accuracy
A single-subject alternating treatment design was used to investigate the extent to which a specialized dyslexia font, OpenDyslexic, impacted reading rate or accuracy compared to two commonly used fonts when used with elementary students identified as having dyslexia.