ygev/sketch-accessibility-assistant: Accessibility assistant for all your basic needs. Serves as a linter for compliant color contrast and type based on WCAG 2.1. Thanks to Ale Muñoz for his support and docs!Evaluation Tools#English#Sketch#Sketch Pluginsa11ycat·github.com·Jul 26, 2023ygev/sketch-accessibility-assistant: Accessibility assistant for all your basic needs. Serves as a linter for compliant color contrast and type based on WCAG 2.1. Thanks to Ale Muñoz for his support and docs!
Adee: Web accessibility testing tools and platformEvaluation Tools#English#Figma#Figma Plugins#Sketch Plugins#Adobe XD Pluginsa11ycat·adee.co·Jul 26, 2023Adee: Web accessibility testing tools and platform