

"#Imperialism/Global South" "#Mutual Aid/Disasters"
After the War, Before the Flood, in Colombia | by Jessica Camille Aguirre
After the War, Before the Flood, in Colombia | by Jessica Camille Aguirre
The Colombian energy company EPM has developed programs for people directly affected by the dam, but the wider effects of a drastically altered ecology and changed landscape have reverberated beyond the obvious immediate emergencies. To the activist Isabel Zuleta, the irrevocable loss of a place—including all the unresolved issues of the disappearances and the victims’ remains—is the worst, final act of violence against its people. “That is incredibly painful,” she told me. “Because we, the displaced, have fought for the right to return. Without the possibility of return, it can no longer b...
After the War, Before the Flood, in Colombia | by Jessica Camille Aguirre