

Amber Waves
Amber Waves
It took thousands of years for wheat to evolve from a wild grass into a highly productive source of food. Can it help address global hunger in our time?
Amber Waves
The end of farming?
The end of farming?
The long read: For decades, the way we farm has been degrading land and destroying wildlife. Now there’s a revolution coming – but is it going to create more problems than it solves?
The end of farming?
How Capitalism Underdeveloped Rural America
How Capitalism Underdeveloped Rural America
A toxic brew of economic suffering, racism, and community decline prepared the ground for authoritarian populism in America’s devastated rural areas. Trumpism will not be defeated unless the Left can promote a progressive agenda to rebuild rural America.
How Capitalism Underdeveloped Rural America
Russian cities are still choking under smoke from massive Siberian wildfires
Russian cities are still choking under smoke from massive Siberian wildfires
Fires are not unusual in Siberian forests, but the concern about this year’s blazes is their scale and their proximity to population centers. Siberia also saw massive fires last year, the year before, and the year before that. The most recent fires were preceded by temperatures upward of 14 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the long-term average for the area. That fits within the pattern of what scientists expect as the global climate changes. As average temperatures rise, heat waves are becoming longer, more frequent, and more intense.
Russian cities are still choking under smoke from massive Siberian wildfires
Evo Morales’ ecocide is a genocide
Evo Morales’ ecocide is a genocide
The Bolivian lowlands have been burning for over a month. Over 4 million hectares of biodiverse forests has already burned to ash–an area larger than Switzerland. Uncontrolled, the fires continue to spread across protected areas and Indigenous territories, provoking an incommensurable loss of life. The tragedy is increasingly referred to as an ecocide. The most […]
Evo Morales’ ecocide is a genocide