The rush to ‘go electric’ comes with a hidden cost: destructive lithium mining | Thea Riofrancos | The Guardian
Texas’s Energy Crisis Shows Why We Need to Reform Our Privatized Energy System
Climate change: Why Norway, the UK and Canada are climate hypocrites - CNN
Texas’s Power Crisis Has Turned Into a Disaster That Parallels Hurricane Katrina
Unmaking California’s Central Valley
How The Fracking Revolution Is Killing the U.S. Oil and Gas Industry
The hydrogen hoax
A Green New Deal for Public Transport - The Bullet
Can we electrify our way out of climate change – or do the rich also need to consume less? – Developing Economics
Seize and Resist | Thea Riofrancos
COVID-19 and Catastrophe Capitalism
Fighting for the air we breathe
Offshore Wind Energy, Not Nuclear, Is the Future
Inside the climate battle quietly raging about US homes
Our racist fossil fuel energy system - The Boston Globe
Coronavirus Is Creating a Crisis of Energy Insecurity
Cities Fighting Climate Woes Hasten 'Green Gentrification'
Radical Change in the Building Industry Is Desperately Needed. It Can't Happen Without Building Trades
Global Groundwater Is Threatened by Unsustainable Practices Amid Climate Crisis
America’s Radioactive Secret
America’s Coal Consumption Entered Free Fall in 2019
Amazon’s Bullshit Environmentalism
Opinion | Our Cherished Rivers Are Under Threat
Cities are set to miss 80% of their 2020 emission reduction goals
‘This Is a Huge Opportunity to Create an Energy System Rooted in Climate Justice’
Dammed Good Question: Dams and the Green New Deal
California of Fire and Profit - The Bullet
Opinion | It’s the End of California as We Know It
Rising Seas Will Erase More Cities by 2050, New Research Shows
The Haves and Have-Nots of (Electrical) Power in California