Thread by @g_kallis on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App
France’s Citizens’ climate body explained
Relying on forests to achieve net zero targets not a good idea, and scientists agree
20 Reasons to Prefer Degrowth to the Green New Deal (as a political option to address the collapse of civilization)
For the Green New Deal to Work, It Has to Reject “Growth”
A reply to John Molyneux and Michael Lowy on degrowth
Can we electrify our way out of climate change – or do the rich also need to consume less? – Developing Economics
Thread by @JefimVogel re Jacobin and Degrowth
A response to Pollin and Chomsky: We need a Green New Deal without growth
After Growth
Ecosocialism and/or Degrowth?
Less Is More: How Degrowth Will Save The World by Jason Hickel
The Case for Degrowth: Review
Limit growth: liberate degrowth