How The Fracking Revolution Is Killing the U.S. Oil and Gas Industry
Climate and environmental crisis: Sorcerer's apprentices at the World Bank and the IMF
For the Green New Deal to Work, It Has to Reject “Growth”
Assessing Carbon Capture: Public Policy, Science, and Societal Need
The hydrogen hoax
A Green New Deal for Public Transport - The Bullet
A reply to John Molyneux and Michael Lowy on degrowth
Why the Green New Deal Needs Mobility Justice • SftP Magazine
Putting Out the Fire - Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
Will Joe Biden Be the First Climate President?
Can we electrify our way out of climate change – or do the rich also need to consume less? – Developing Economics
The Water Defenders - El Salvador
Thread by @JefimVogel re Jacobin and Degrowth
Europe’s Green Deal offshores environmental damage to other nations
Land as a social relationship
A response to Pollin and Chomsky: We need a Green New Deal without growth
Why the Green New Deal Needs Local Action to Succeed
Ecosocialism: The Strategic Debate - The Bullet
For a Social, Ecological, Economic and Intercultural Pact for Latin America
Seize and Resist | Thea Riofrancos
COVID-19 and Catastrophe Capitalism
After Growth
Latin American Green New Deal
The Case for Climate Reparations
The IMF smokescreen – Michael Roberts Blog
People’s Agreement of Cochabamba
Only Class War Can Stop Climate Change
Fighting for the air we breathe
The Climate Movement Must Disrupt the Normal Routines of Fossil Capital
Year Zero 2: Black Gold Fever (w/ special guest Timothy Mitchell)