On Climate and Food, What’s the Lesson We Insist on Missing?

The Kings of Recycling Are Fighting Over Scraps
Bill McKibben: This Climate Strike Is Part of the Disruption We Need
China and the Prospects for a Global Ecological Civilization
Out of Time | Astra Taylor
Follow the Carbon
Tomgram: John Feffer, How to Decide the Fate of the Planet | TomDispatch
A Shadowy Industry Group Shapes Food Policy Around the World
While the Amazon Burns, Cuba Increases its Forested Area
Tom Englehardt: Pyromaniacs, Inc. | TomDispatch
This Is Not the Sixth Extinction. It’s the First Extermination Event.
Opinion | Bottled Water Is Sucking Florida Dry
Climate, communism and the Age of Affluence?
The Anthropocene Is a Joke
Understanding the Fires in South America
Where black rivers flow
Public Transport Can Be Free
How Are Unions Around the World Responding to the Youth-Led “Climate Strike” Calls? — TUED Bulletin 88
Naomi Klein: 'We are seeing the beginnings of the era of climate barbarism'
'Americans are waking up': two thirds say climate crisis must be addressed
Our Lethal Air | by Jonathan Mingle
Rethinking Climate Politics in the Vernacular, by Ariel Salleh
Green New Deal 09.13.2019 (IRVINE AUDITORIUM)
Perspectives on eco-socialism | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal
Socialism with a bit of greenwash can’t save the planet either
We have to recalibrate our notion of abundance...