
"#Global Response"
Stop Making Points
Stop Making Points
Go back to Tolstoy, forget the dystopias you got secondhand from crappy TV, say your prayers, buy a block of pink salt shaped like a bar of soap and cleanse your energy with it. It burns. Buy limes and lemons and learn the proportions for sours.
Stop Making Points
Report by a physician in Brentano, Italy
Report by a physician in Brentano, Italy
Thread by @silviast9: 1/ I may be repeating myself, but I want to fight this sense of security that I see outside of the epicenters, as if nos going to happen "here". The media in Europe are reassuring, politicians are reassuring, while there's little to…
Report by a physician in Brentano, Italy
Iran sanctions effect on response
Iran sanctions effect on response
Iran’s political and economic isolation hasn’t stopped COVID-19—but sanctions are threatening to turn an outbreak into a catastrophe.
Iran sanctions effect on response