Pandemic and civilization collapse - Raúl Zibechi
Covid19 capitalism and socialism
South Dakota Governor Doubles Down On Her Anti-Native Reputation By Targeting Tribes’ COVID-19 Checkpoints
Black Death historian: 'A coronavirus depression could be the great leveller'
The Coronavirus Is Stirring the Impulse to Communism - Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
Disaster capitalism and its discontents | Richard Seymour on Patreon
The Virus Has Seized the Means of Production
Mike Davis: C'est La Lutte Finale
The Discreet Charm of Coronavirus
3362. How Climate Change Is Contributing to Skyrocketing Rates of Infectious Disease
Transnational social production networks—an answer to the coronavirus security crisis – Jonathan Feldman
Socialist Policies Could Have Made a Huge Difference During This Pandemic
The coronavirus decade: post-capitalist nightmare or socialist awakening?
Home Thoughts for New Times
March & April readings
From the Dying World to the World We Want
This is a Global Pandemic – Let’s Treat it as Such
The Essential Workers America Treats as Disposable
Liberating logistics: all power to the frontline workers
Coronavirus, economic crash and climate change: this could go either way
This pandemic IS ecological breakdown: different tempo, same song
Venezuela announces 6-month rent suspension, guarantees workers’ wages, bans lay-offs
Microbes and Macroeconomics: Understanding the Pandemic and the Global Slump
Irrational Expectations
Herramienta 28: La pandemia del capitalismo
Michael Klare, A Silver Lining in the Global Pandemic
The Leap – The People’s Bailout
How the UK Government Screwed Up On Coronavirus So Badly
Cuba’s Unique Model of Medical Internationalism - The Bullet
The US is failing the test of the century