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Cuban Dilemmas, Socialist Debates - The Bullet
Cuban Dilemmas, Socialist Debates - The Bullet
The situation created in Cuba following the events of July 11th raises questions on a number of levels for those of us fighting for a society free from
Cuban Dilemmas, Socialist Debates - The Bullet
The Colombian State Is at War with Its People
The Colombian State Is at War with Its People
Colombia's sustained assault on protesters this week represents a form of warfare that indigenous and Black communities know all too well.
The Colombian State Is at War with Its People
Is This the Year of Structural Change in Chile?
Is This the Year of Structural Change in Chile?
The Left is racking up victory after victory in Chile. Now, Chileans have the chance to clear away the last remnants of Pinochet's authoritarian, neoliberal rule by writing a new, democratic constitution.
Is This the Year of Structural Change in Chile?
Report from Colombia #1
Report from Colombia #1
(Written on June 1 by Anthony, a long-time resident of Bogota) On Sunday, the national strike committee decided that it would work to remove road blocks throughout the country as a measure of goodw…
Report from Colombia #1
Between Change and Continuity in Peru
Between Change and Continuity in Peru
Pedro Castillo and Keiko Fujimori face off in a polarized second round. Beyond the candidates, a national popular-rural bloc clamors to be heard.
Between Change and Continuity in Peru
Ecuador: From Rafael Correa to Guillermo Lasso via Lenin Moreno
Ecuador: From Rafael Correa to Guillermo Lasso via Lenin Moreno
On 11 April 2021, Guillermo Lasso (52,4%), the right-wing candidate, defeated Andres Arauz, the candidate supported by Rafael Correa and part of the Left, by 52.4% vs 47.6% in the second round of…
Ecuador: From Rafael Correa to Guillermo Lasso via Lenin Moreno
From Anti-Politics to Authoritarian Restoration in Brazil
From Anti-Politics to Authoritarian Restoration in Brazil
Two years on from his election, the anti-political wave that Jair Bolsonaro rode to office appears to have ebbed. In its place we are seeing a restoration of the reactionary forces that have ruled the country for most of its history.
From Anti-Politics to Authoritarian Restoration in Brazil
Puerto Rico elections 2020
Puerto Rico elections 2020
After 2019 uprising, a new socialist organization and a new political party change the Puerto Rican electoral situation.
Puerto Rico elections 2020
The Peru Power Grab - New Politics
The Peru Power Grab - New Politics
In Peru, democracy has been usurped. A political bloc made up of the most conservative and groteque elements of traditional politics has in a completely capricious manner carried out the impeachment of the person who was only a few days go president of the republic: Martín Vizcarra.Since the Peruvian Congress decided on November 9 to remove the president for “permanent moral incapacity” by a vote of 105 in favor (out of 130 congresspeople), the response of the citizens has been unleashed in the form of a series of massive mobilization mobilizations first in the capital of Lima and then nati...
The Peru Power Grab - New Politics
Hipótesis de un neoliberalismo a la peruana
Hipótesis de un neoliberalismo a la peruana
Con la destitución del presidente Vizcarra, la clase política peruana jugó su ultima carta en un intento desesperado de legitimarse ante la ciudadanía. Sin embargo, la maniobra fracasó, y desde las calles se hace escuchar el reclamo de la renuncia del presidente interino Manuel Merino.
Hipótesis de un neoliberalismo a la peruana
Crisis, sobre crisis, sobre crisis
Crisis, sobre crisis, sobre crisis
Perú vive días agitados e inciertos. La vacancia contra Vizcarra redundó en la asunción del gobierno por parte de un sector aún más derechista, y la reacción en las calles no se hizo esperar.
Crisis, sobre crisis, sobre crisis
Green Devolution
Green Devolution
Latin American leftists once saw oil as a way to buy their own independence, but it turned out to be a curse....
Green Devolution
Bolivia Has Provided Us a Radical Vision of Hope
Bolivia Has Provided Us a Radical Vision of Hope
Bolivia’s MAS party will confront numerous challenges when returning to power. But its resounding victory against the authoritarian right and its roots as a party of social movements represent a radical vision of hope at a time when we need it most.
Bolivia Has Provided Us a Radical Vision of Hope