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Las preguntas de Evo
Las preguntas de Evo
Por Pablo Solón [English] Sábado, 24 de Noviembre en la noche. Cualquier parecido con la realidad es pura coincidencia. Por la cabeza de Evo pasan una serie de interrogantes mientras lee la ley que…
Las preguntas de Evo
Bolivia's Unraveling
Bolivia's Unraveling
A collection of NACLA's coverage spanning more than a decade of Evo Morales's time in power to help contextualize turmoil in Bolivia.
Bolivia's Unraveling
La sociedad boliviana “no ha renunciado a su derecho, a su memoria y a su autonomía”: Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui
La sociedad boliviana “no ha renunciado a su derecho, a su memoria y a su autonomía”: Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui
Video y fotos: Gerardo Magallón La Paz, Bolivia. Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, pensadora, feminista y activista boliviana, habla en entrevista con Desinformémonos de la actual y compleja coyuntura en este país andino. Inicia con lo que llama “la negación del fraude” de Evo Morales en su cuarta reelección. Explica el machismo, el racismo y la “interculturalidad” […]
La sociedad boliviana “no ha renunciado a su derecho, a su memoria y a su autonomía”: Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui
Chile awakens: Some thoughts on the Chilean uprising
Chile awakens: Some thoughts on the Chilean uprising
Everywhere you walk in the streets of Santiago, there is political graffiti spray painted on the buildings. A popular slogan among the graffiti is “Chile despertó” – Chile woke up. And truly,…
Chile awakens: Some thoughts on the Chilean uprising
Colombia’s national strike
Colombia’s national strike
Text and photos by Gearóid Ó Loingsigh On Friday 22nd of November a curfew came into effect and troops were deployed on the streets, here in Bogota. It was the first time since September 1977 that …
Colombia’s national strike
The Rise and Fall of Evo Morales | by Jim Shultz
The Rise and Fall of Evo Morales | by Jim Shultz
The end of Morales’s historic presidency has the quality of one of those inkblot tests in which everyone sees what they want to see. The global left, from British Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn to an assortment of foreign intellectuals, immediately denounced what had happened as a military coup, linking it in the public mind to the old, familiar scenes of tanks rolling into South American capitals. Those who have long hated Evo declared it a blow against the evils of socialist dictatorship. But if I learned anything in my time in the country, it is this: nothing is simple in Bolivia, and such was t...
The Rise and Fall of Evo Morales | by Jim Shultz
Entrevista a Kawi Castaya. John Arandia
Entrevista a Kawi Castaya. John Arandia
Gracias a Cassandra Torrico tenemos acceso a esta bien informada entrevista al sociologo aymara Kawi Castaya, sobre lo sucedido en El Alto en defensa de la Wiphala. Notese que la entrevista explora…
Entrevista a Kawi Castaya. John Arandia
Rep. Johnson, colleagues call on Trump Administration to support human rights and restoration of constitutional order in Bolivia
Rep. Johnson, colleagues call on Trump Administration to support human rights and restoration of constitutional order in Bolivia
Rep. Johnson, colleagues call on Trump administration to support human rights and restoration of constitutional order in Bolivia WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Friday, Rep. Hank Johnson and 13 House members sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo calling on the Trump Administration to support democracy and human rights in Bolivia. The nation’s death toll continues to climb, and the country has descended into political turmoil since its contested elections held on October 20, 2019.
Rep. Johnson, colleagues call on Trump Administration to support human rights and restoration of constitutional order in Bolivia
The Long Coup in Ecuador - The Bullet
The Long Coup in Ecuador - The Bullet
Elected on a progressive platform, the Moreno government has resorted to the politicization of justice and the militarization of politics to repress its former allies and constituents.
The Long Coup in Ecuador - The Bullet
Latin America’s Pink Tide Isn’t Over
Latin America’s Pink Tide Isn’t Over
In today’s Bolivian election, Evo Morales is running for a historic fourth term as president. Vice President Álvaro García Linera spoke to Jacobin about how their Movement for Socialism can make their revolution permanent — and stop the rise of the far right in Latin America.
Latin America’s Pink Tide Isn’t Over
Origins of the Crisis: On the Coup in Bolivia
Origins of the Crisis: On the Coup in Bolivia
Was it a coup? Yes. Should people with a preference for emancipatory politics support the coup or oppose it? We can only be against it. When we move from definitions and position-taking to the level of politics, however, simplicity gives way to murkiness. How did this coup happen? What conditions made it possible?
Origins of the Crisis: On the Coup in Bolivia
Statement on Human Rights Violations in Bolivia
Statement on Human Rights Violations in Bolivia
Evo Morales – the democratically elected President of Bolivia from the MAS party (Movimiento al Socialismo, Movement Towards Socialism) – was forced to resign on November 10, in what many observers view as a coup. In the wake of Morales’ resignation, there has been mounting chaos and violence. What is happening in Bolivia is highly undemocratic and we are witnessing some of the worst human rights violations at the hands of the military and the police since the transition to civilian government in the early 1980s. We condemn the violence in the strongest terms, and call on the US and other f...
Statement on Human Rights Violations in Bolivia
Making sense of Bolivia’s discontent
Making sense of Bolivia’s discontent
To understand events in Bolivia, we need to unpack its many contradictions over the past decade. But make no mistake, this is a coup.
Making sense of Bolivia’s discontent
No es Camacho o Evo, es necesario trascender esas dos posiciones: Rita Segato
No es Camacho o Evo, es necesario trascender esas dos posiciones: Rita Segato
Palabras de Rita Segato difundidas por Radio Deseo el 19 de noviembre: Amigas queridas, compañeras, hermanas bolivianas. No es fácil para mí contarles cómo estuve pensando la terrible situación de Bolivia. Nos duele mucho por acá, pero claro, al no estar allí, tengo miedo de que lo que les diga no tenga total legitimidad, porque […]
No es Camacho o Evo, es necesario trascender esas dos posiciones: Rita Segato
Impasse in Bolivia | LRB
Impasse in Bolivia | LRB
Many of my friends and colleagues who live in La Paz are in hiding. Some have received death threats, while others are...
Impasse in Bolivia | LRB