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The Institute for Technology, Ethics, and Culture
The Institute for Technology, Ethics, and Culture
The Institute for Technology, Ethics and Culture (ITEC), housed at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, is a collaboration between the Center and the Vatican’s Dicastery for Culture and Education. The Institute convenes leaders from business, civil society, academia, government, and all faith and belief traditions, to promote deeper thought on technology’s impact on humanity.
The Institute for Technology, Ethics, and Culture
Talking about a ‘schism’ is ahistorical
Talking about a ‘schism’ is ahistorical
In two recent conversations with very thoughtful journalists, I was asked about the apparent ‘schism’ between those making a lot of noise…
Talking about a ‘schism’ is ahistorical
Kansas U Researchers Claim 99% Accuracy Detecting ChatGPT Fakes
Kansas U Researchers Claim 99% Accuracy Detecting ChatGPT Fakes
A new research paper describes an algorithm that can detect other research papers written by robots. Scientists from the University of Kansas say they developed a technique to identify ChatGPT's writing in scientific writing close to 100% of the time.
Kansas U Researchers Claim 99% Accuracy Detecting ChatGPT Fakes
Top AI researcher dismisses AI 'extinction' fears, challenges 'hero scientist' narrative | VentureBeat
Top AI researcher dismisses AI 'extinction' fears, challenges 'hero scientist' narrative | VentureBeat
First of all, I think that there are just too many letters. Generally, I’ve never signed any of these petitions. I always tend to be a bit more careful when I sign my name on something. I don’t know why people are just signing their names so lightly.
Lindsey Graham pointed out the military use of AI. That is actually happening now. But Sam Altman couldn’t even give a single proposal on how the immediate military use of AI should be regulated. At the same time, AI has a potential to optimize healthcare so that we can implement a better, more equitable healthcare system, but none of that was actually discussed.
But now the hero scientist narrative has come back in. There’s a reason why in these letters, they always put Geoff and Yoshua at the top. I think this is actually harmful in a way that I never thought about.
’m not a fan of Effective Altruism (EA) in general. And I am very aware of the fact that the EA movement is the one that is actually driving the whole thing around AGI and existential risk. I think there are too many people in Silicon Valley with this kind of savior complex. They all want to save us from the inevitable doom that only they see and they think only they can solve.
Top AI researcher dismisses AI 'extinction' fears, challenges 'hero scientist' narrative | VentureBeat
Building Trustworthy AI - Schneier on Security
Building Trustworthy AI - Schneier on Security
Realistically, we should all be preparing for a world where AI is not trustworthy. Because AI tools can be so incredibly useful, they will increasingly pervade our lives, whether we trust them or not. Being a digital citizen of the next quarter of the twenty-first century will require learning the basic ins and outs of LLMs so that you can assess their risks and limitations for a given use case. This will better prepare you to take advantage of AI tools, rather than be taken advantage by them.
Building Trustworthy AI - Schneier on Security
GPT4: Eldritch abomination or intern? A discussion with OpenAI — Integrity Institute
GPT4: Eldritch abomination or intern? A discussion with OpenAI — Integrity Institute
OpenAI, creators of ChatGPT, join the show! In November 2022, ChatGPT upended the tech (and larger) world with a chatbot that passes not only the Turing test, but the bar exam. In this episode, we talk with Dave Willner and Todor Markov, integrity professionals at OpenAI, on how they make large lan
GPT4: Eldritch abomination or intern? A discussion with OpenAI — Integrity Institute
The Nightmare of AI-Powered Gmail Has Arrived
The Nightmare of AI-Powered Gmail Has Arrived
It’ll write your emails for you and read them, too. What could go wrong?
In the context of Gmail and collaborative documents, we see suggestions of automation processes at war with one another, feeding problems that must be solved with more automation as Google manufactures demand for its own mitigating products. It’s an arms race in every inbox! It’s textual hyperinflation in every office! It’s a hundred meetings a day scheduled and attended and summarized by bots! Before Google productized this vision, OpenAI’s Sam Altman joked about how ChatGPT users had discovered it themselves.
The Nightmare of AI-Powered Gmail Has Arrived